God, making we want to get help!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 3:10-20
I mentioned earlier that holiness (being perfect) is not a prerequisite for mercy.
But having said that, repentance is a prerequisite for mercy.
Repentance involves a sense that something is wrong (in us and in the world) and we need help, we need mercy.
Like the alcoholic needs to recognize their problem before they can get help.
Sobriety (parallel to holiness) is not a prerequisite for getting help, but a desire for it is.
John is challenging the people wanting the sign of mercy (baptism), but not really wanting help.
They were content to be greedy, cruel, unjust, they just wanted God to tell them they were OK.
Religious ceremonies, pious words, good deeds, donations to charity, etc. do not take away our guilt.
Unless we are willing to admit our selfish, needy hearts, and want to be different, we cannot get the help we need.
And as John points out, we demonstrate our sincerity by striving to change, to the best of our limited ability.
God is willing to help us, if we are willing to help us.
(Similarly, AA can only benefit someone who is willing to stop going to the bar, buying alcohol, etc.).
Holiness (being good) is not a prerequisite for God’s mercy and help, but the desire for it is.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I admit I am powerless over my sin, and that my life has become unmanageable. I believe that You can restore me to sanity. I choose to turn my will and my life over to Your care of God. Help me search my heart, and admit to You and others the exact nature of my wrongs. I am entirely ready to have You remove all these defects of character, and humbly ask that You will. Bring to mind all the people I have harmed. I want to make amends to them all – wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. I commit to daily reviewing my life, and when wrong, to promptly admitting it. I commit to improving my relationship with You through prayer and meditation, praying to know Your will and for the power to carry it out. God, thank You for Your forgiveness and freedom, may I share this blessing with others as I live this way each day!

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