If God is with us… (Part 4)

(Borrowed from Richard J. Vincent, God In The Ordinary)

If we lived in light of God’s presence we would see God in everything. Every aspect of life would be transformed.

4. When we see God in everything, we expect to meet – to hear, to experience, to touch – God in everything. Where do you expect to meet with God? Many Christians assume that God’s only means of revelation is the Bible and thus the only real place to meet God is through Bible study. But God loves to reveal himself. Sacred scripture itself speaks of other means through which God reveals himself.

  • God reveals himself through creation. “The heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament proclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). The angels around God’s throne constantly cry out, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isaiah 6:3). Creation reveals truth about God’s glory, wisdom, goodness and holiness.
  • God reveals himself through human beings – image-bearers of God. All human beings – Christian or nonChristian – are able to communicate important truth about God. No other creature reflects God as greatly as human beings. Even the most depraved human still bears the image of God, however dimly. How much more those who are in the process of being transformed from glory to glory into the likeness of Christ? (cf. 2 Corinthians 3:18)
  • God reveals himself through providence – a big theological word that simply states that God meets us through the ordinary routines of daily living. Ronald Rolheiser labels providence, “God’s conspiracy of accidents.” All things – the good and the bad alike, including interruptions, irritations, delays, unexpected events, etc. – can be means through which we experience God, for God is always present.
  • Finally, God reveals himself fully and finally in the personal revelation found in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of God intimately manifests the presence of Christ to us so that the resurrected Christ meets us and transforms us. There is absolutely no place in all creation where God’s presence cannot be known.

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