Like Scrooge McDuck

SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:15-20
“Like a secret treasure in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)
I like this line, it describes something I’ve felt before.
I’ve had secret treasures that were not good in my heart.
But I’ve also experienced God’s loving forgiveness deep in my heart.
Deep down feelings, bubbling inside of me, good and bad.
Though I sometimes cling to the bad ones, ultimately I hate them.
But again and again I return to the wonder and comfort of God’s mercy.
I think about Jesus, all that He is and all that He means… to me, to everyone!
Like Scrooge McDuck I swim in the wealth of it – like a secret treasure in my heart.
When God reminds me of Jesus, and all that He represents, joy and praise and glory to God stir in my heart.
Recall how God loves and forgives you, despite whatever secret treasures your heart may contain.
Like Mary and the shepherds – or Scrooge McDuck – dive into Jesus, the secret treasure in your heart.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes the bad secret treasures seem good to me, but not for long. But You are a treasure I love, I long for, I need, I bask in, deep in my heart.


  1. Observations/Application
    Hearing the Word of the Lord and then seeing the Word Jesus Christ was the shepherds reaction. Then they spread the Word concerning the Good News. These lowly people becoming proclaimers of the Word! And the hearers were amazed – especially since shepherds did the proclaiming. And Mary ‘treasured’ all this in her heart. For where your treasure is there will be your heart also.

    What’s at the centre of my life – my way or His Way. My earthly treasures or His eternal treasure? The shepherds went to find the Truth – the Word made flesh. I too have received the Good News and I . . . I too must go and find the Truth. And one of the ways is doing my devotions daily. Another way is to ask WWJD? And what about my riches? I am not a lowly shepherd but truly blessed with many blessings. Do the riches control me or I the riches?

    Just as the shepherds blessed those who heard their news about the Savour, I too must be a blessing with my blessings, sharing the Good News that Jesus is alive forevermore!

    Help me this day Lord to be a blessing to others using the gifts given to share with those You place in my path.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive.

    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia,
    My Jesus is alive forevermore.
    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia
    My Jesus is alive.

  2. I don’t know about Scrooge McDuck (Was there a car chase in that one?) but I do like the response of Mary to the commotion raised around this special child of hers. She also was visited by an angel, and she had gone through and slowly seen God doing exactly as he had promised. She “treasured” up these things in her heart, and pondered them. I imagine her trying to sort out what this all meant. And if there was such a commotion going on now, what was the rest of her life with this child going to be like? After all, this was God himself she was caring for. What an awesome responsibility.

    The reaction of the shepherds was “Wow this is actually true, lets tell everyone we meet” They had met too many telemarketers and politicians and con men who said one thing and they did not follow through with their message. We are often let down by others. But God’s message turned out to be true, and they were amazed.

    I pray that I will trust God’s message to be the true message. I thank Him for giving us his Son, and his Word.

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