Room in your heart?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:1-7
The census of Quirinius was in 6/7AD (Josephus), but Jesus was born in the days of Herod (Luke 1:5), who died in 4BC.
Proof, say critics, that Luke made this up.
Apparently it depends on how a word is translated: ‘protos’, first or before.
N.T. Wright addresses this issue here, and concludes: “I suggest, therefore, that actually the most natural reading of the verse is: ‘This census took place before the time when Quirinius was governor of Syria.’”
It’s hard to imagine the Luke – who knew that Jesus was born in Herod’s day (Luke 1:5), and was well-informed about the political leadership of the time (Luke 3:1) – would make this mistake.
Critics remain doubtful, not because the facts are implausible, but because “there is no room for Jesus in their hearts.”
If my wife tells me she was home from shopping at 3pm, and someone says they saw her at the mall at 3:30pm, how I respond will depend on whether my heart is trusting of her or not; because I trust her, I assume that there is a plausible explanation, and trust that somehow both stories can be reconciled.
I admit it, I am biased towards Jesus; will the critics admit it, that they are biased against Him.
If my bias compromises my interpretation of this verse (as critics claim), then their bias does too!
Jesus is welcome in my heart, is He welcome in yours?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your life-challenging, life-changing message is so precious to me, I love and trust and accept You. You are welcome in my heart, my life!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    God uses time – events – historical events – His wonders to perform. Everyone was a wanderer going to their own place to register. Being uprooted, the people left their homes and became travellers – homeless 🙂 By obeying the law of the land the people were uprooted. Nothing is permanent.

    Mary and Joseph were among the people but when they arrived in Bethlehem there was no place for them. The rooms were taken. Full house – so that God’s Word would come to pass. The King was born in a manger not in a earthly palace. The treasures of this world are fleeting. Our home needs to focus on the real treasure. He must be the guest at our table always. Christ Jesus is the unseen Guest – the unseen King – the Royalty in our home. That room will determine my daily living – living for my Saviour, the living risen King – the ruler of my heart.

    Help me daily not to attach myself to the things of this world but focus on serving You each day anew. May it be said as I have read – ‘But as for me and my household, we will serve the living Lord.’

    Is there any room for Jesus?
    He Who died on Calvary,
    He Who standeth, knocking, waiting,
    Pleading with you tenderly.

    Room for Jesus, room for Jesus,
    Let Him in your heart today,
    Throwing every window open,
    O receive Him while you may.

    We have room for worldly pleasures,
    Cares of life crowd every day,
    And our hearts and minds are burdened
    While the Lord is turned away.


    Will you not make room for Jesus,
    For the Christ, the Crucified?
    Is there not some place to enter
    In the soul for which He died?


    Room and time and thought for Jesus,
    Hasten to accept His grace
    Ere the heart grows cold and careless,
    And His pleading voice shall cease.


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