“The Lord has done this FOR me!”

SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:21-25
Childlessness is usually a difficult emotional burden for a couple.
Hopes ignited then dashed, well-meaning comments or questions from others, techniques and technologies that promise results, yet often disappoint, and perhaps the growing anger, “the Lord has done this TO me!”
I cannot explain why good or bad things happen to some people.
But I do believe that somehow, someway, God is directing our lives for a good purpose.
In this case, Elizabeth experiences a miracle, and can rejoice: “the Lord has done this FOR me!”
At some point, we need to all come to this conclusion, whether we see a miracle or not.
Not only when John is born, but when John becomes a prophet, when John baptizes Jesus, when John is arrested, when John dies, somehow and someway it is still true to say, “the Lord has done this FOR me!”
For better or worse, easy or hard, good or bad, “the Lord has done this FOR me” — for my own good, for my ultimate blessing, for my life purpose.
As hard as it may be to swallow right now, I do believe the day will come when we will all see… and say… “the Lord has done this FOR me!”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, right now someone I love is in pain, and is struggling emotionally. Is it possible for them, for me, for us to say, “the Lord has done this FOR us?” Please help us to trust You, and to anticipate your blessing in the midst of this difficulty.


One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Zech had been in the temple in the presence of God. He does marvellous things, things that we do not understand at that time or at that moment. Yet he remained in His service, doing what needed to be completed. He lost his speech but he did not loose his service to the King. The Lord God had done this.

    These were also the words of Elizabeth – The Lord has done this.

    Both did see the hand of the Lord in their lives. And I?

    On this last day of 2013, have I seen the hand of the Lord in the events/happenings in my life? In all things?

    As I/We stand on the threshold of 2014, may I daily see that the Lord has done this for me. In all things and in all times I need open eyes to see God’s presence as continue to serve Him.

    Bless me on my way Lord and help me daily by Your Spirit to see You daily. You are my God and daily I will praise You.

    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise You

    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise You

    I will seek You in the morning
    And I will learn to walk in Your ways
    And Step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days

    Oh God, You are my God

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