Called… for such a time as this!

SCRIPTURE: Esther 1-5
“Who knows? It’s possible that you became queen for a time just like this.” (Esther 4:14)
The story of Esther is fascinating, a gripping page-turner… what will happen to Esther and the Jews?
What is also fascinating is that God is nowhere mentioned in this book – really, and it’s in the Bible!
Though God is all through this story, like our own lives He is sometimes invisible.
And like Esther, we seem to go through life’s challenges on our own, without a sense of God or purpose.
But Mordecai urges us to look at our lives from a God-perspective, to see His invisible hand guiding us.
Why was I born when and where and to whom I was, why am I where I am right now?
Why am I going through what I am going through, why are these people in my life?
Who knows? It’s possible that (you are who you are, where you are) for a time just like this.
Possible? probable? certain!
Every person is where they are so that they can work with God to make this world a better place.
Not everyone makes this choice, but like Esther we all face this choice!
There is no wasted moment, no wasted situation, how you respond can help or hinder God’s purpose, God’s kingdom.
Think about this today when you go through your day: every conversation, every encounter, every situation, every moment, has the potential to be a God-moment.
You are there by God’s design for precisely this moment, to work with God in doing good, saying good.
Like Esther, I have a choice… you have a choice.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, help me to trust Your invisible hand even when I cannot see You. Help me to know that I am here by Your design, equipped with everything I need to make a difference for You, for good, for others!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The king was certainly a showman – displaying his wealth/richness and his power to command. His ‘brain power’ also used their position to influence the king – playing into his hand – puppets – pleasing the king.

    Never decide in fury – anger – whether a king or a ‘king’ in his own family. This also includes discipling your children – think about these things.

    ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ is a saying – because beauty attracts us all – as the king, but it is what is inside that counts. Esther was placed in a place of influence because of her beauty, but it was her integrity that was brought to the front. – standing up for her people in a specific time and place.

    Mordecai was a man of intercity who stood his ground. And his values/words encouraged Esther to do the same – to take a stand – whatever the consequences.

    One of the basic questions that needs to be asked – Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? We know we live in a broken world and so I, as part of His people, what am I going to do about it?

    One of God’s champions was Joshua and I like his challenge for the people – Whom will you serve today? But as for me and my household, we will serve the living God! I need to live by those words today.

    Help me this day Lord to live for Jesus.

    Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
    Striving to please Him in all that I do;
    Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free,
    This isthe pathway of blessing for me.

    O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
    For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me.
    I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne.
    My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.

    Living for Jesus Who died in my place,
    Bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace;
    Such love constrains me to answer His call,
    Follow His leading and give Him myall.


    Living for Jesus, wherever I am,
    Doing each duty in His holy Name;
    Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
    Deeming each trial a part of my cross.


    Living for Jesus through earth’s little while,
    My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
    Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
    Bringing the weary to find restin Him.

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