The king of the hill!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 15:27-32
Save yourself! – this is the motto of the ‘ubermensch’, the superman.
Survival of the fittest, the king of the hill, only the strongest survive, every person for themselves.
So much for Jesus king of Israel, the only hill He is king of is Golgotha.
Jesus defies this motto, He refuses to play this game, He chooses the way of weakness over power.
Humility and servanthood, not pride and power, is the currency in God’s kingdom.
The one who wins God’s game is not the one who gets to the top first, but who helps others get there.
Right now you may be relying on your own strength and smarts to save yourself.
God allows us to take this path, but He will be waiting for us at the end of it, when we fail.
Like the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15), the Father lets His son try selfish, self-centred living… but He also welcomes him back when he comes to his senses (Luke 15:17).
When you finally realize that you need God’s help, when you can’t save yourself… look to the king of the hill.
Look down – not up – and see Jesus beneath you, loving you, serving you, helping you, saving you.
He did not ‘save Himself’ because He wants to save you.
Stop fighting it, you need God’s help, and He is eager to give it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Jesus, You are true king of the hill, not selfishly seeking the top but selflessly reaching to the bottom, to help me up. Thank You for not saving Yourself, that You might save me.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Yet seeing, they did not see.
    Yet believing they did not believe.
    The truth was revealed and yet they fell in their own folly.
    Eyes they have but did not see.
    Ears they have but did not hear.
    They heard the truth but closed their hearts.
    All happened so that those who hear and see will have LIFE because He took our punishment, our sin, our shame, our transgression to save His people. I am free because He died for me.
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You daily and remember what You did for me – giving the gift of Life by Your willingness to die on the tree.
    Yes, You saved others like me!

    Thank You Lord for the reason for this season that once again we are forced to remember the reality of the truth and may that truth drive us onward in our service to You. Saved to serve! PTL.

    He saved us
    Not because of righteous things we’ve done
    He saved us
    Through the washing of His precious blood
    He saved us through the sacrifice of His only Son
    Through His mercy we’re saved by love
    Repeat Chorus

    It is with a grateful heart that I come to you today
    It is with humble adoration
    That I take this time to say
    I know that I’m not all I could be
    And I don’t always see
    That He’s beside me and to guide me and to comfort me
    (He’s guiding me)

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