Living, suffering and dying WITH God!

“I was born naked. And I’ll leave here naked. You have given, and you have taken away. May your name be praised.” In spite of everything, Job didn’t sin by blaming God for doing anything wrong. (Job 1:21-22His wife said to him, “Are you still continuing to be faithful to the Lord? Speak evil things against him and die!” (Job 2:9“Why didn’t I die when I was born? Why didn’t I die as I came out of my mother’s body?” (Job 3:11)
The story of Job is a teaching or wisdom story, it conveys profound truth through provocative story.
It deals with the problem of evil, one man’s attempt to navigate God, faith, life, suffering and death.
Job himself is a complex man, it’s not just about a pious humble man who always trusts God.
He starts with praise, admiting his dependence on God from birth, but he eventually despairs of living.
‘Why was I born at all…’ this is a gut-wrenching, honest, real cry of despair, and many people can relate.
‘Curse God and die…’ this is gut-wrenching despair, and many people can relate to this too.
As we will see, Job refuses to let go of God, but he also challenges and questions God.
I sometimes cringe when we sing “Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord”, based on these words (Job 1:21).
I’m not confident I would say them so quickly if I went through what Job went through.
But at least by singing them, I am preparing my heart now for whatever comes my way.
In tough times, I will wrestle and challenge and question God, but I will refuse to let go.
Suffering and dying WITHOUT God has got to be worse than suffering and dying WITH God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, may I please not be tested like this. But whatever happens, may I not reach the point when I despair and give up on You.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    What a description of Job – a blameless and upright man who feared God and shunned evil. He also prayed daily for his children. A great description of a child of God. And when all the trouble fell upon the family, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing but worshipped Him and praised Him. Wow! What a child of integrity!

    When people suffer, the community/friends also rally. They were there in His presence and sat quietly with him. Just being there was goo. And Job spoke – questioning his life, seeing what he feared has come upon him and yet knowing full well that God has hedged him in.

    My purpose, my way is not always clear but this I know – I am His and He is mine and His banner is over me – for I too am hedged in by His love. Whatever happens I too need to realize that God’s faithfulness and mercy never fails and that He will turn the eyes of His child toward home. He did that for Job. He did that for Christ Jesus. he will do that also for me. Life is a journey and not a destination. I know the way but I do not know the happenings along the way. However, God is my Guide and will lead me through.

    Lead me and guide me each day anew. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You. Open my ears Lord that I might hear You. Open my senses Lord that I may experience Your presence each step along the way.

    We are children of the King,
    And His praises we will sing,
    As we journey to our home above—
    His banner over us is love!


    Marching! Marching!
    With happy hearts we onward move;
    No foe we fear, with our Captain near—
    His banner over us is love!

    He, the glorious Son of God,
    Hath the way before us trod;
    Over every foe we’ll conqu’ror prove—
    His banner over us is love!


    Fearless in our Leader’s might,
    Strong to do and dare the right;
    We will journey to our home above—
    His banner over us is love!


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