Filled with the Spirit

SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:67-75
Filled with the Spirit… what does this mean.
On the one hand, this is something that God does to him.
But he also opens himself to God, and allows the Spirit to bubble out of him.
I have had times when I had praise or prayer stirring within me…
During a powerful God experience, after an answered prayer, or in a moment of deep crisis.
Zechariah allows the wonder of the moment to explode within him, and he bursts out in praise.
We can be so reserved, so hesitant, so cautious, we do not allow the Spirit to come out like this.
We hold back in praise, we hold back in thanks, we hold back in prayer, we hold back in sharing.
Why… ‘what will people think, how will it make me look, what if I say something stupid?’
God is stirring with His Spirit in us too, we also are seeing and experiencing His grace in our lives.
But we have to open ourselves to it, and allow God’s Spirit to bubble out of us.
Zechariah’s ‘prophecy’ is simply a declaration: “God is faithful, He keeps His promises, He is great, He is good!”
Do you feel God’s Spirit bubbling in you with this message… will you let the Spirit fill and overflow in you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have had many times when I felt something like this in me. But many times I resist it. Make me open to Your Spirit in me, through me, letting people know how great You are!


  1. Zachariah was filled with the Spirit, and he praised God with a wonderful song. So much is conjured up with this phrase “filled with the Spirit”. What we often see when the Spirit is mentioned is that those who have the Spirit become more like Jesus, and we see that the results are an inner peace, and overflowing joy, breaking out in praise and song. This sounds like feelings of euphoria, and the outcome is to bring praise to God, and build up His church. I don’t think this is a matter of those who have, vs those who do not have the Spirit. Were those who were with Zachariah second class citizens of the kingdom because Zachariah was filled with the Spirit, and broke out in song? I don’t think so.

    I pray that God will show me and those who are searching, what it means to experience God’s overflowing Spirit, along with His power for ministry in His kingdom.

  2. Observations/Application
    Another song of praise – like that of Hannah and Mary.
    Spirit led.
    Speaking words too wonderful to understand.
    A song of praise.
    Exuberant praise.
    Speaking the truth.

    God is our God and I will serve Him!
    God is my God and I ail praise Him!
    God is my God and I can see what He has done for His people.
    God is my God and I must praise Him all my days.
    God saves.

    Help me each day to live the promises of Your faithfulness so that others may see that God is my God. There is none other. Help me to serve You this day as Your champion.

    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise You

    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise You

    I will seek You in the morning
    And I will learn to walk in Your ways
    And Step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days

    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise You

    I will seek You in the morning
    And I will learn to walk in Your ways
    And Step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days
    And I will follow You all of my days

    We honor you Lord Jesus
    And forever we will sing
    For you alone are worthy
    And forever we will sing
    Repeat X2

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