He knows my name!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:46-56
For Mary, the great thing about God is His connection to the little guy.
She’s a nobody (humanly speaking), yet God choses her for this special mission.
He is not impressed by stars and tycoons and rulers and bigwigs.
In fact, His tendency is to bring down the ‘mighty’, while lifting up the ‘lowly’.
When He chose Israel as His missionary people, they were slaves.
When he chose David as king, he was the youngest son, a lowly shepherd.
When Jesus came into the world, He was born in a stable, to poor nobodies, attended to by shepherds.
Yes, distant kings came to Him, but they came to bow down (i.e brought down to their knees).
Mary’s heart is trembling, Mary’s soul is quivering with joy – God knows me, loves me, chooses me, uses me!
Do you think this way about yourself – just a nobody, just the ‘little guy’?
Relax, smile, and know that God has a special place in His heart for you… and can do great things through you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God most of the world doesn’t know my name, but You do. With You, I am a somebody, I matter, I have a purpose. My heart and soul quiver with joy thinking about this!


  1. God has done great things for me. This was part of Mary’s prayer. And this is part of my prayer. Mary was anticipating great things, based on the message she received from the angel, that she would be the mother of the Messiah. She believed this, and it changed her life. God promises that we are joint heirs with Jesus, and we can possess his kingdom because of Jesus. Do I believe this? Sometimes, but it is hard for me to fathom what this entails, and what this means for me. I can say that God has done great things for me, and I believe that God will continue to do great things. I await the timing that he has in store for my life. I pray that I can humbly be obedient to His call for my life.

  2. Observation/Application
    God uses His people His wonders to perform and they praise Him. Mary’s song starts off with praises. Her song is a parallel to Hannah’s song. God has seen her position and has done great things for her and for previous generations. Mary knows her stuff and has heard what the Lord has done in days past and what He will do in the future – the promises from Abraham on. She is rooted in Him. Yet she is humble person whom God has chosen for His wonders to perform. Just look at the disciples and their ministry. Who me Lord?
    As Mary remembers how the Lord stepped in days past He will continue to so in the days ahead. She remembers God’s faithfulness and mighty acts and His promises.
    I must do the same.
    Help me to be an instrument of Your peace this day.

    Lead me this day Lord by Your Spirit in the Way I need to go.

    Praise the Savior now and ever;
    Praise Him, all beneath the skies;
    Prostrate lying, suff’ring, dying
    On the cross, asacrifice.
    Vict’ry gaining, life obtaining,
    Now in glory He doth rise.

    Man’s work faileth, Christ’s availeth;
    He is all our righteousness;
    He, our Savior, has forever
    Set us free from dire distress.
    Through Hismerit we inherit
    Light and peace and happiness.

    Sin’s bonds severed, we’re delivered,
    Christ has bruised theserpent’s head;
    Death no longer is the stronger,
    Hell itself is captive led.
    Christ has risen from death’s prison,
    O’er the tomb He light has shed.

    For His favor, praise forever,
    Unto God the Father sing;
    Praise the Savior, praise Him ever,
    Son of God, our Lord and King.
    Praise the Spirit, through Christ’s merit,
    He doth us salvation bring.

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