blessed by helping others

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 14
This story reveals how God blesses Abram, and how God uses him to bless (help) others. Even though Lot selfishly takes the better land from Abram, Abram does not hold a grudge but goes to his nephew’s rescue when he gets into trouble. We see Abram refusing the plunder from the spoils of battle, even though according to the rules of the day, it was his by right! He recognizes that his victory (a mere 318 young warriors against a large army) was because of God.

Who is Melchizedek? King of Salem (‘peace’, a reference to what was later called Jerusalem). His name means king of righteousness or justice. He is a priest of the one God, not the many gods of the land. It’s almost as if Abram meets a pre-version of Jesus, a special, mysterious priest unlike the later priests of the Law of Moses (see Hebrews 7:1-19). God comes to Abram, blesses him and shows him that his victory, his hope, is in God alone! And Abram honours him with his special gift.

How does God show His love for us in our lives? And how are we sharing His love for others. This is the heartbeat of God’s desire for us. That we might be open to Him, so that He can bless (help) us, and that we would be open to others, that He can bless (help) them through us.

When someone says ‘thank you’ for an act of service, they are an expression of God’s blessing (like Melchizedek was to Abram). When you model humility and generosity (like Abram did), you bring honour to God and invite others to praise and serve Him too. People praise God when they experience His generosity through us (2 Corinthians 9:12-14).

Lord, thank You for showing me through Abram how You bless those who bless others. Help me to live this way.


  1. I found it interesting to hear the reference in verse 10 that the valley of Siddim was full of tar pits … wow, tar pits. Some were caught in them – reminds me of the dinosaurs getting stuck in them.

    Also, in verse 13 it mentions that a fugitive comes and tells “Abram, the Hebrew” about Lot’s capture. Where did this title of Hebrew come from?

  2. This passage highlights for me that everything I do and am is by the grace of God. God had a plan for Abram and I know He has a plan for me. All I need to do is be obedient to His still small voice and then He will guide me. Like Abram I will be very specific to give God all the glory. Lord help me to discern your guiding hand and to follow you and never take personal credit for any fruit I may produce for your kingdom. Help me not to be a Lot who no doubt wondered why God had abandoned him when he and the other Sodomites were captured. Lot had actually abandoned God in the choice he made to live in Sodom. So life is all about making correct God inspired choices or there are consequences. Thank you Lord that you are compassionate and infinitely patient. Just like you rescued Lot through Abram you rescue me many times from the miry clay and set me on solid rock. You are my rock Lord Jesus! Let me learn so I can be used to make a difference in someone else who is struggling. Use me like Abram to rescue those that are stuck in their self centered lifes.

  3. LORD, here we see the results of Lot’s prideful and greedy actions by taking the best for himself, the consequences of living selfishly.

    LORD, these scriptures also reveal ‘grace’ in action. Abram put his life on the line to rescue Lot even though Lot had treated Abram as he did, with no respect or consideration. We are seeing the characteristics of a man who is walking with You. Would I have gone to Lot’s rescue? Help me LORD to be loving and full of compassion to those who are in need – especially those who have wronged or hurt me. This is living in Your Grace.

    LORD, am I always prepared? Abram had taken the time to prepare for he took with him, 318 trained men. So often I am caught unprepared because of today’s busy, busy life style. Help me LORD to be prepared to reach out.

    LORD, forgive me for the times when I found it easier not to get involved. How sad it is that it’s often my sense of “I haven’t got time”, “I can’t add more to my already overflowing list of things to do”…… LORD, help me to make Godly priorities in my life. To let go of the things that are just filling time, letting go of the things that You have not asked me to do so that I can be ready to serve and be a blessing to others as You lead and direct.

    LORD, do I give You the glory when You have used me to bless others? Do I make the focus You and what You have done just as Abram and Melchizedek did? Do I worship You in and through the blessings of others?

    Abram was so conscious of not accepting the spoils even though the spoils were rightly his according to the laws of the land. Abram remained true to You. LORD, I too want to remain true to You. To be able to be used by You to bless others without expecting anything in return is such an uncommon attitude in our world today. So often we have this attitude of “what’s in it for me?”

    LORD, thank You that today is a new day. Help me LORD to have a right attitude today so that I may live as a blessing to all those whom You will make available to me so that You may be glorified. LORD, thank You for Your amazing Grace, for Your unending and unfailing love. Help me LORD to live Your love to everyone……

  4. Abram was a true friend, helping Lot in his time of need. Although Lot may have neglected Abram, he did not do the same. Abram did good to all and so must I.

    After the the battle Abram is nourished/refreshed with the wine and bread but the praise is given to the Lord for the victory. He gives thanks to the Lord as we also need to give thanks to the Lord for our deliverance and acknowledge our King and Saviour with all that we have. Abram did not take the spoils of war for his Lord God would take care of all his needs. God provides. We must be careful with whom we reside. we need always to be a separate people – a people of God. As for me and my household, we will serve the livibg God.

    If you will only let God guide you,
    And hope in Him through all your ways,
    Whatever comes, He’ll stand beside you,
    To bear you through the evil days;
    Who trusts in God’s unchanging love
    Builds on the Rock that cannot move.

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