My hope as I get older

Even if I’m almost in the grave, you will bring me back.
This Psalm makes me think of what Paul said:

Brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the hard times we suffered in Asia Minor. We were having a lot of trouble. It was far more than we could stand. We even thought we were going to die. In fact, in our hearts we felt as if we were under the sentence of death. But that happened so that we would not depend on ourselves but on God. He raises the dead to life. God has saved us from deadly dangers. And he will continue to do it. We have put our hope in him. He will continue to save us. (2 Corinthians 1:8-10)

David refers to being older, maybe in his senior years.
Maybe his society is telling him he’s done, time to retire, time to step aside.
Many older people (not all) struggle with feeling useless, worthless, unappreciated.
They think back to their youth, their experiences, but now feel the weight of age and death, and the pressures of a changing world.
David is feeling the “sentence of death”, yet he does not lose hope.
Like Paul, the prospect of death leads him to depend on God even more.
The God Who “will bring me back”, the God Who “raises the dead to life!”
God did not create us to die, but to live forever.
Without God, the Source of Life, we die; but with God, we will love forever.
With God, death is not the end of life, but the doorway to life.
As I move closer to the age of fifty (still young!), I start to think of death more.
Not in a morbid way, just an honest way… and it forces me to think of God more.
To remember my Creator, to remember why He created me, and to put my hope in Him… He will continue to save me to the very end!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, the older and weaker I get, the more I realize my need for You. Since my youth, You’ve been my Rock. I will continue to depend on You!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    At all times I must sing and tell the praise worthy deeds of the Lord.
    Praise the Lord!
    Tell of His marvellous deeds.
    All the time.
    Young or old -I need to praise the Lord for all the things He has done for me.
    I must declare the marvellous deeds of the Lord and tell of His mighty acts to the next generation.
    God is my Refuge and Strength. He has done mighty things in my life and I need to share His power, His goodness, His strength, His mighty acts, His presence to the next generation.
    Praise the Lord.

    Help me daily Lord to sing songs of joy for You have put a song upon my heart. Help me to share that to all those around me. Great is Your faithfulness.

    I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever,
    I will sing, I will sing.
    I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever,
    I will sing the mercies of the LORD.
    With my mouth will I make known
    your faithfulness your faithfulness;
    With my mouth will I make known
    your faithfulness to all generations.
    I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever,
    I will sing of the mercies of the LORD.

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