blessed to be a blessing

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 12
In this story I hear the Lord’s desire for us, that we would bless others with the blessings we ourselves have received. Blessed to be a blessing! His intent is to spread His love to His people, that He may spread it through His people to all others. He is not just committed to some, He loves everyone. And those who know His love are responsible to share it.

I also see that being loved and called by the Lord does not guarantee an easy life. Though Abram was called to Canaan, the first thing he encounters is a famine. He must have been thinking, why is God doing this? This was probably a test of Abram’s faith. Maybe he should have stayed in Canaan, instead of going to Egypt, trusting the Lord to provide.

That Abram’s confidence in the Lord was still weak is seen in how he tries to deal with Sarai in Egypt. Instead of trusting the Lord who called him, he devises a ‘plan’ to protect himself and his wife. And it backfires, and in the end he loses his welcome in Egypt. How often do our ‘shortcuts’ only make things worse.

We shouldn’t be hard on Abram. He is still learning and growing, and these tests and struggles help mature his faith. He means well, and his desire is to honour the Lord. The altar is as much for Abram, as it is for the Lord, a constant reminder of his dependence on the Lord. My time of worship needs to be like an altar too, a reminder that if the Lord has called me (and He has), then I can trust Him, and no amount of ‘shortcuts’ or ‘plans’ can improve on what He has in mind for me.

Lord, thank You for blessing me, and for calling me to bless others. Help me to see through the times of testing, and to stay close to You and Your way.


  1. I love reading about Abrams obedience …

    In verse 1, the Lord tells him to “go forth from your country”
    So in verse 4, it tells “So Abram went forthas the Lord had spoken to him”

    Remember the judgement God gave to Noah’s son Ham, in Genesis 9:25-27

    “Cursed be Canaan(son of Ham); a servant of servants he shall be to his brothers. He also said, Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem; and let Cannan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant”

    This prophesy that the Lord told to Noah regarding his son Ham is revealed to Abram. Abram is a son of Shem. God tells him in verse 7 that this land, the land of Canaan (son of Ham), is to become his.

    This whole momentum and direction is led by the Lord – He has His reasons for it. We do not know all the details but again and again, we are reminded that God’s plan will be done and you are either trusting with Him or you are resisting against Him.

  2. LORD, even Abram was directed by You to go out and be a blessing to others. Through these scriptures I hear the conviction of ‘surrendering’ everything to follow Your will for my life. How many times do I say ‘but LORD…..’ How many excuses have I made to You in the past? How many excuses yet to come? Abram however, like Noah, did just as You commanded. You also reveal the blessings to us as we live in obedience to You and the consequences of our disobedience. LORD, may I always discern these outcomes when facing challenges of obedience to You. LORD, I need to live with You as my GPS. Being directionally challenged, I am so dependent on this new technology to get me where I need to go. I should live each day as ‘faith challenged’ with You as my GPS totally dependent on following Your leadings, Your directions, always listening to You so that I may actually get where You are sending me. As I journal this I sense the truth that also, should I miss a turn, You will reroute me getting me to the correct designation just maybe taking a little bit longer route instead of giving up as is so easy to do….. Thank You LORD for this visual.

    As I travel the route You are taking LORD, like Abram, may I stop and take the time to purposefully worship You. Thank You LORD for this journey I am on with You. For Your patience as I have gone off route and You have needed to reroute me. You are an awesome God whose unfailing and unending love is beyond my human ability to understand or grasp.

    LORD, how do I respond to challenges, trials or when things don’t seem to be going as they should? Abram trusted You when he faced the famine and used discernment to travel to Egypt. So often when we step out in obedience and then hit a bump in the road, we give up full of second guessing and doubts. LORD, teach us to perservere to not allow satan to derail us.

    LORD, how often do I allow fear to put myself before others? Abram was afraid for his life putting Sarai second. What a coward? Should he not have protected Sarai before himself. To die a truthful man would have been less destructive than to have his lie cause so many to fall. Did Abram even think of the possible outcomes to such a lie? How often do I make decsions without considering all the possible outcomes? Do I even think of the consequences/ destruction to others when I am tempted to live less than the truth? when I sin? Abram, forgot to trust God to protect them as they entered Egypt.

    LORD, I long to live in obedience to You, trusting You to take care of every detail. Forgive me LORD for the many times I fail to trust You and take matters into my own hands. LORD, be my GPS so I may get to the place where You desire me to be, by Your Spirit NOT my will. Thank You LORD for the many, many blessings that You have poured into my life and those whom I love despite the many times I have stepped out of Your will. Thank You LORD for the many times You have rerouted me, NOT giving up on me. LORD, thank You for the many bumps on the road that You have turned into blessings by using them to draw me closer to You, allowing me to grow in my faith, allowing me to know You better. Knowing You, there is no greater thing! Be my all in all. My life is in You LORD.

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