While we were sinners

SCRIPTURE: Mark 15:6-15
What is the right thing for you to do… what is the best thing for you to do – the answer ought to be the same.
People often mistake the best for the easiest, the safest, the most pleasurable…
The right thing for Pilate to do was to release Jesus, but he wanted to satisfy the crowd.
In the end, Barabbas was released and Jesus tortured and killed, because it was politically expedient.
Jesus suffered and died not because He was guilty, but because of peoples’ selfish, sinful choices.
But the wonder of this moment is that He Himself selflessly chose to be there, to let it happen.
Jesus chose to suffer and die on behalf of peoples’ selfish, sinful choices.
He chose the right and the best, not the easiest, the safest, the most pleasurable…
Like Barabbas (the guilty one), we are pardoned while Jesus (the innocent one) is punished.
On the one hand, this is not right, the innocent should not be punished for the guilty.
Unless, as in this case, the innocent one willingly chooses punishment to pardon the ones He loves.
Jesus models the greatest love of all, that we might be pardoned… like Barabbas!
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:7-8)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Barabbas must have been shocked to be released instead of Jesus. Remind me that You endured the curse for me to. May I be shocked – and grateful – that I am pardoned too!


  1. Follow the crowd. I think Tony hit the nail on the head today with his observation that it is easy to do what everyone else is doing. One day the crowd adores Jesus, and shouts Hosanna. A week later they turn against him. I wonder if I am like this. I go to church and agree with whatever is going on there, and then I go to my work, and go along with what happens there, and then in my community, I follow whatever is acceptable practice.

    No one wants to stand out against what is the status quo. Especially if you are not really sure of all the details of how you feel on an issue. It is easy to be swayed by someone who feels sure of themselves. News stories whip up the emotions of the masses on many issues, which are forgotten after a few short days. But the story that is being brought forward affects the people for a much longer time than the short attention span of the masses.

    I pray that in spite of my short attention span, that I can be a light shining brightly in all areas of my life. I pray that I can thank God for dying an death, undeserving, for me.

  2. Observations/Application
    Self interest.
    I want it my way like a spoiled child. No consideration for another. Mine.
    Mob rule. One day Hosanna and three days later Crucify!
    And Pilate knew it was out of self interest that the religious leaders were doing all this. He was a people please – going along with the mob rule rather than go against the stream and do what was right.
    Self before others?
    Not others before self.
    Christ came to serve and so must I. Others before self. Do the right thing. Forgive as Christ did. And because He did I have life, real life today and for all my tomorrows.
    Jesus took on Barabbas’ guilt for he became a free man. He did the same for me. I am free only by His power.
    No greater love.
    And I?
    I must do the same – live the JOY principle.

    Thank You Lord for the freedom I have in Christ Jesus. Help me daily to live in thankfulness unto Him. My my life have the attitude of gratitude with altitude in all I do and say.

    1. Thank you for giving me the morning.
    Thank you for ev’ry day that’s new.
    Thank you that I can know my worries can be cast on you.

    2. Thank you for all my friends and brothers.
    Thank you for all the men that live.
    Thank you for even greatest enemies I can forgive.

    3. Thank you, I have my occupation.
    Thank you for ev’ry pleasure small.
    Thank you for music, light and gladness.
    Thank you for them all.

    4. Thank you for many little sorrows.
    Thank you for ev’ry kindly word.
    Thank you for ev’rywhere your guidance reaches ev’ry land.

    5. Thank you, I see your Word has meaning.
    Thank you, I know your Spirit here.
    Thank you because you love all people,
    those both far and near.

    6. Thank you, O Lord, you spoke unto us.
    Thank you that for our words you care.
    Thank you, O Lord, you came among us,
    bread and wine to share.

    7. Thank you, O Lord, your love is boundless.
    Thank you that I am full of you.
    Thank you, you made me feel so glad
    and thankful as I do.

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