God’s love better than life!

Why is David in the desert, is he running from enemies or on a personal retreat (like Jesus)?
Either way, his focus is on God.
He longs for God, he thinks about God, he clings to God, he praises God, he prays to God.
One line jumps out at me, that I want to know better for myself: “Your love is better than life.”
To experience God’s love surpasses the whole experience of life itself… WOW.
To know that God loves me, that God values and treasures me, that God will sacrifice Himself for me.
“God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son.” (John 3:16)
Isn’t loving and being loved the heart of life – real life, not just physical life?
Isn’t this what people really want deep down, to be loved, valued and treasured by someone?
Sometimes we feel loved by others, sometimes we don’t, but to know we are always loved by God – this is better than life.
This is what Jesus represents – He shows us HOW FAR and HOW DEEP God’s love for us is.
“May you have power with all God’s people to understand Christ’s love. May you know how wide and long and high and deep it is. And may you know his love, even though it can’t be known completely. Then you will be filled with everything God has for you.” (Ephesians 3:18-19)
I want to know this love, and to be able to say: “Your love is better than life.”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I long to know how wide and long and high and deep Your love is, to be filled with everything You have for me. May the words ‘Your love is better than life’ echo in my heart and mind!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The Psalmist praises God for He is his desire. He has seen His power and glory and majesty. He will praise Him as long as he lives because God is God and has satisfied all his needs. Sing praise. Sing praises. Sing songs of praise to Him each day anew. Surround yourself with songs of praise.

    In the quiet of the night my thoughts turn to You Lord for You are the wind beneath my wings and I will sing of Your glory forevermore. You hold me up. I will sing once again of Your faithfulness.

    There will be tough times. I will experience my foes. But Jesus reigns. He has overcome and so will I. Sing praise to His name now and forevermore. Our God reigns! My God reigns. May my mouth never be silenced.

    Make me an instrument of Your peace Lord. Thank You for this Advent season which once again reinforces and reminds me that my God is God indeed. Emmanuel. God with us – with me.

    1. Praise Him!

    Praise Him!
    Praise Him in the morning,
    Praise Him in the noontime.
    Praise Him!
    Praise Him!
    Praise Him when the sun goes down!

    2. Love Him!

    Love Him!
    Love Him in the morning,
    Love Him in the noontime.
    Love Him!
    Love Him!
    Love Him when the sun goes down!

    3. Serve Him!

    Serve Him!
    Serve Him in the morning,
    Serve Him in the noontime.
    Serve Him!
    Serve Him!
    Serve Him when the sun goes down!

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