A Jesus follower in the shadows

SCRIPTURE: Mark 14:45-52
Who is this young man lurking in the shadows with Jesus, running when confronted?
I’ve heard, and assumed, that this was Mark, the author of this gospel.
Unlike Judas, he does not want to betray Jesus, but neither is he ready to go public for Him.
I sometimes feel like this young man (not feeling young, but lurking in the shadows).
In church settings, I am free and confident in my faith, but in other settings, when people are not open to Jesus or God, I tend to hide my faith in the shadows.
I am encouraged though – if this is Mark – that God can still use me to reveal Jesus.
My life can become a ‘gospel story’ too, but it does require that I come out of the shadows.
I’m not just talking about ‘witnessing’, but living and feeling and showing the truth about Jesus.
The true message of Jesus is not embarrassing (though christianity, the church and religion often are).
Be bold for Jesus, for love, for humility, for integrity, for compassion, for generosity, for justice, for self-denial, for mercy, for God’s better world (the kingdom), these are nothing to be ashamed of.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, if I think about it, I am not embarrassed by You, or what You stand for, but by what we as Christians have turned You into, and what others think about that. Give me courage to step out of the shadows for You!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application

    Some of the followers of Christ were impulsive. Think of Peter – walking on the water. Quick in their actions, doing before really thinking. People of action.

    Christ was rooted in the Word for He was the Word made flesh and lived that Word daily.

    Shadowland. The young man following at a distance in the shadows, wanting to know and yet not crossing over, exposed and fled.

    All too often I am the latter. Remembering former days trying to be first in the cafeteria before my ‘buddies’ so they wouldn’t see me praying. Exposed.

    I am a living letter – an epistle – read by all. How do they see me? I too must be rooted in the Word following Christ as my Guide and stand up for Jesus. I need to be His champion today and always.

    Lord make me a champion of Your peace this day.

    A man named Nicodemus to Jesus came one night.
    He said, “We know you’ve come from God; your wonders show his might.”
    In answer, Jesus did declare, “Give heed, these words are true:
    You cannot see God’s kingdom come unless you’re born anew.”

    Then Nicodemus questioned, “Reborn, how can this be?
    For surely none can to the womb return and new life see.”
    Jesus replied, “Flesh brings forth flesh, but like the blowing wind,
    The Spirit does give birth to spirit; thus man is born again.”

    As Moses in the desert did lift the snake up high,
    The Son of Man must be raised up that men might live, not die.
    For God so loved this world of men, he gave his Son for us,
    That we might have eternal life, if we in him do trust.

    God did not send his Son to condemn the world of sin.
    Christ came instead to save all those who place their trust in him.
    All who believe escape God’s wrath; they come into the light.
    But all who practice evil deeds are guilty in God’s sight.

    Without the Son, all perish; the verdict is decreed.
    All those who fail to trust Christ’s name condemned will ever be.
    Lord, give me boldness to proclaim your message to the lost,
    That they might gain eternal life by looking to the cross.

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