Default ‘go to’ or last resort?

Think about times when you are under pressure, overwhelmed or in trouble.
What is your default ‘go to’, the first person/place/thing you normally reach out to?
Do you start with yourself, your own resources, or quickly turn to others for help?
Or do you despair, or whine, or take out your troubles on others?
David is reminding us that turning to anything or anyone but God is futile.
He knows his situation is tenuous, he knows that others are unreliable (rich or poor), but God is strong and loving!
Trust in Him at all times, tell Him your troubles, He is your place of safety.
We reach out to God by expressing our hearts to God (prayer) and by refreshing our minds about God (bible-reading).
Like David, we consciously choose to affirm God and His support, to trust Him through this crisis.
This does not rule out wisely using on our own resources, or seeking support from others.
But our deepest confidence, our primary ‘go to’… is God.
I need to work on this; if I’m honest God is not my default ‘go to’, He’s more my last resort.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I admit that I usually try everything else first before talking to You. Thank You for being faithful and good to me, despite my misplaced confidence.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    As soon as I hear the word rock I remember the Quake and remember that the school grounds stood. It was all God’s doing. And my first words were ‘Oh Lord’ out of fear or knowing where to go?

    In times like these the ‘metal’ surely is shown. God needs to be my Rock always. He has given me life and to stay alive forevermore I need to be driven to the rock that is higher than I. If I try to solve my problems, I will fail. But God uses situations that befall me to drive me to Him. Open my eyes Lord that I see that daily.

    On this day, the Lord’s Day, I must once again remember that each day is His day and I can go forward only by His power and mercy and grace. PTL.

    Help me this day Lord to be an instrument of Your peace and be able to show others that You are alive and living in me!

    I can be GodStrong only in His power living in me. That made Samson strong and that can make me strong. GodPower enables. Lead me and guide me by Your Spirit lord always.

    Always with us, always with us,
    Words of cheer, and words of love;
    Thus the risen Savior whispers,
    From His dwelling place above.

    With us when we toil in sadness,
    Sowing much, and reaping none;
    Telling us that in the future
    Golden harvests shall be won.

    With us when the storm is sweeping,
    O’er our pathway dark and drear;
    Waking hope within our bosoms,
    Stilling every anxious fear.

    With us in the lonely valley,
    When we cross the chilling stream;
    Lighting up the steps to glory
    With salvation’s radiant beam.

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