Two wrongs don’t make a right

SCRIPTURE: Ezra 7-10
So let’s make a covenant in the sight of our God. Let’s promise to send away all of those women and their children. (Ezra 10:3)
Just because Ezra commanded this, and the people did it ‘in the sight of God’, and just because it’s in the bible, doesn’t mean that this episode is good, or meant to be followed.
Even Paul says that a believer shouldn’t leave an unbeliever (though don’t resist if they refuse to stay (1 Corinthians 7:13-15).
Often our lives are a complicated tangle of bad and messy decisions and consequences.
We need mercy, we need help, but we should not confuse devotion to God with neglect to our responsibilities.
Yes, the people had sinned, and they needed to repent, but sending away their wives and children did not fix the problem.
Maybe you shouldn’t have married that person, or became pregnant the way you did, or committed to that task… but now that you recognize it, don’t make things worse by making an other bad choice.
Two wrongs do not make a right, even when it is cloaked in religious language.
We can learn from their sorrow for their sin, and for their desire to make it right.
But don’t try to solve a problem by committing another problem… we need to overcome evil with good!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, give me wisdom to know how to do what is right. May I not use You as an excuse for doing something I shouldn’t do.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Ezra had devoted himself to the law of the Lord . . . being in touch with the ways of God. I must do the same . . . hear God through the reading of His Word daily . . . being in tune.

    In the daily affairs, go to the Lord in prayer . . . fasting, petitioning and listen to His voice. Where do you/I, did you/I see the hand of the Lord in our daily affairs of life? God lights the way in which we should go. The sins of the past, our evil deeds are not His WAY. Because of past mistakes, we can not stand but only through His grace in Christ Jesus being truly sorry for the errors of our ways. Confess and move onward in THE WAY. Remain faithful to that WAY. Be faithful to the Lord. Do His will as we pray each day anew. ‘Your will be done.’

    Help me this day Lord to be faithful to Your Way in all I do and say.

    This is the day(2)
    That the lord has made(2)
    We will rejoice(2)
    And be glad in it(2)
    This is the day that the lord has made
    We will rejoice and be glad in it…
    Take and receive
    Take and receive O lord my liberty
    Take all my will my mind my memory
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey
    Only thy grace and love on me bestow
    Possessing these all riches I forego
    All things I hold and all I own are thine
    Thine was the gift to thee I all resign
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey

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