Satan will not succeed in stopping God!

Satan does what He can to hinder God’s plan to rebuild/restore His creation kingdom.
The temple was destroyed, the chosen people were slaves in Babylon, Satan had won… or had he?
God uses a pagan king to restore Israel, God stirs the hearts of His enslaved people to rebuild the temple.
Satan can try his best to hinder and defeat God’s people, but God’s kingdom will come.
The temple symbolizes God’s kingdom (in all creation), the nation of Israel represents God’s family (from all nations).
Satan has tried again and again to stop God’s plan from succeeding, but God will not be stopped.
Are you discouraged? am I held back by the chains of fear and defeat?
God is stirring up my heart today to rise up and live for Him, not matter what resistance we face, for God’s world will be be rebuilt, and God’s family will be restored, God’s kingdom will come!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have given in to the enemies discouragement. I have lost the focus of what You are doing in and around and through me. Stir in my heart today, give me confidence to do Your work, knowing that nothing can stop it from succeeding!


  1. Observation/Application
    In the return and the rebuilding of the house of God, the people gave freewill offerings. Even Cyrus brought out the articles belonging to God out of his temple and gave them to return to Jerusalem. God continues to work in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Open my eyes Lord that I continue o see this each day anew.

    The rebuilding of the alter was completed amidst the fear of the people around them – ‘stand up, stand up for Jesus’ they did and completed their task and they gave praise to the Lord after the rebuilding of the alter. During the rebuild the peoples around them tried to discourage their work, frustrate their plans. The rebuilding came to a stop because of the king Artaxerxes.

    Yet using the governments of their time, God’s plans were accomplished and the expenses were fully paid. King Darius was truly an instrument of His work to be accomplished – God using people for His Way. And so all came to pass – and God’s people had returned to the land and could worship Him in His house and they were filled with joy.

    Help me each day Lord to live for Jesus. Help me to see Your hand at work so that Your plans for my life are accomplished – Your will be done. Help me to turn my eyes on ‘home’ rather than focussing on the ‘bumps’ in the journey. lead me and guide me always.

    O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There’s a light for a look at the Savior,
    And life more abundant and free!

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    Through death into life everlasting
    He passed, and we follow Him there;
    Over us sin no more hath dominion—
    For more than conquerors we are!


    His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
    Believe Him, and all will be well:
    Then go to a world that is dying,
    His perfect salvation to tell!

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