Blind to the obvious

SCRIPTURE: Mark 13:28-31
How do we read the news today: the devastating storm in Philippines, the Mayor Ford fiasco?
People are warning us that this storm is partially related to global warming… are we blind to it?
People are warning Rob Ford that he has lost his moral authority… is he blind to it?
Jesus offers the simple lesson of the fig tree: when you see it budding, you know summer is near.
Why are we so often blind to important things, yet aware of unimportant things.
In Canada, after Halloween means Christmas decorations come out; in the US, after thanksgiving comes Black Friday.
Everyone knows that, so why are we blind to the moral and eternal implications of our lives and circumstances?
Just watch the news and you know something is seriously wrong: how many teachers, pastors, doctors, politicians were arrested yesterday for involvement in child porn!?!?
We can do the ostrich (bury our heads), or pay attention to what Jesus says.
Sadly, the blindness that has stricken Mayor Ford is not unique to him.
We are all blind to the obvious: we need help, we need God, the world is going from bad to worse, a day of judgment is coming.
But like Ford, we still fight on…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when a person is deceived, they don’t know that they’re deceived. Where am I deceived, where am I blind, where am I ignoring the obvious?


  1. I have to constantly fight the urge to stay isolated and bury my head in the sand. No TV means I don’t watch the news. A busy kiddo means my life has a pretty narrow focus. I sense God urging me to continue making connections and looking outside of my small circle … As awkward as it may be! I pray that I become sensitive to what God is showing me in the day-to-day experiences of life.

  2. Observation/Application
    Christ’s truth will last forever. My words often are like the hot east wind – full of nothing. Can I read the sign of the times? Do I read my own actions? I am a living letter and others read me. Yet, in the bigger picture of life, do we/I know where we are at in Christ’s timeline?

    What is happening to my world today? What is happening in my life? Why am I here? What’s my propose? What am I doing about it?

    At the end of the day, where have I seen Jesus? How have I looked for Him and walked with Him? How have I served Him? Where is God in my life?

    Open my eyes Lord. When I point at others, remind me once again that there are three figures pointing at me and I must look at myself first – my place in Your kingdom.

    Help me this day Lord to to live for You.

    That word above all earthly powers,
    no thanks to them, abideth;
    The Spirit and the gifts are ours
    through Him Who with us sideth:
    Let good and kindred go,
    this mortal life also;
    the body they may kill:
    God’s truth abideth still,
    his kingdom is forever.

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