God is helping us!

David is praying for God’s help, and wondering why God isn’t helping.
When God steps in, it doesn’t matter how great our enemy is.
But the problem is, God doesn’t always step in.
Here David thinks that it’s because God is angry, that He is punishing them.
Sometimes God holds back because of sin, but other times it is for other reasons.
My sense is that whether God steps in or not, He is always helping us.
Sometimes that help is discipline, sometimes it is design.
(Like God bringing Joseph to Egypt, or Esther to Ahasuerus’ harem, or Jesus to the Golgotha).
I do believe that God has anger, but it is not like our anger; it is always purely an expression of love.
God is helping us, God will help us, and with God’s help “we will win the battle.”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I know You are helping me, even when it doesn’t feel like it. I know my wayward heart does sadden and anger You, but I also know that You love me and will help me in the best way possible – by discipline or design.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    This psalm reminds me of that God is with His people and when they trust and obey, there was victory and prosperity because the people were living according to His Word – The Way. When the people went their own way, not doing the will of the Lord, God sent the enemy to return His people from their own desires to His Way. God is ever present with His people, but it is the people – we/I who leave His presence – at least I try the impossible.

    At all times I am in His presence and I must live my live that I recognize that presence and live for Jesus each day. God is always with me. Where did I see do today/Where will I see God today. I must live as a steward in His vineyard – working for the Lord in all I do and say.

    Help me daily in my walk with You Lord so I walk in The Way always.

    O for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heavenly frame,
    A light to shine upon the road
    That leads me to the Lamb!
    Where is the blessedness I knew,
    When first I saw the Lord?
    Where is the soul refreshing view
    Of Jesus and His Word?

    What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
    How sweet their memory still!
    But they have left an aching void
    The world can never fill.

    Return, O holy Dove, return,
    Sweet messenger of rest!
    I hate the sins that made Thee mourn
    And drove Thee from my breast.

    The dearest idol I have known,
    Whate’er that idol be
    Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
    And worship only Thee.

    So shall my walk be close with God,
    Calm and serene my frame;
    So purer light shall mark the road
    That leads me to the Lamb.

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