Praying the victim’s prayer

Think about slave songs (‘negro spirituals’), and you get a sense of this Psalm.
They had no protection, no hope (humanly speaking), and endured unspeakable horror.
Their only hope was escape from this life: ‘swing low, sweet chariot, gonna come and bring me home!’
David prays for protection (“refuge”) and justice (“show no mercy”).
From my comfortable seat, David seems harsh, but it looks very different from the victim’s seat.
All through history, all over the world, victims of cruelty and injustice have cried out to God.
David doesn’t just want revenge, he wants the whole world to know that there is a God Who rules, Who watches, Who judges.
“But do not kill them, Lord our shield, or my people will forget… Then it will be known to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob.” (vv.11,13).
If only people knew, then maybe we wouldn’t live in such a twisted, broken, hurting, messed up world.
Though I am not a victim, I can still join with victims everywhere in praying for justice, truth, safety and rescue!
Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

“Pray for us …” This is the cry of persecuted Christians around the world.

Today around the world more than 200 million are suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. Each year, Christians in more than 130 countries stand in prayer with our persecuted sisters and brothers through the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Join with us as Christians across Canada unite for our brothers and sisters who suffer because they declare their faith in Christ.

IDOP Sunday: 

IDOP Canada 2013 will take place on Sunday, November 10. If you are unable to participate in IDOP Sunday on this date, you are encouraged to set aside time on another day to remember our persecuted brothers and sisters. The important thing is to PRAY. The IDOP Canada partners have put together free downloadable resources and video to assist congregations, groups and friends to pray effectively for persecutors and the persecuted church.

What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, forgive me for ignoring the plight of those who suffer, for assuming that my comfortable christianity is normal. May the whole world know that You are God, and that You side with victims against their oppressors. May I side with them too!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    David is under attack and comes to God for deliverance with his prayers. He is open with his talks with God and asks God to punish the enemy. God is his Stronghold. God is his Strength. God is his Surety. And he prays that the Lord will overcome them so that all will know that God is the Lord over all. He rules.

    Because He rules David sings His praises and I too must do that. In today’s work the church is being persecuted, Christians are under attack and God’s people must rally in prayer and praises singing of His mighty power for He is our Stronghold at all times. A mighty fortress is our God.

    Thank You Lord that in all things and at all times we/i can come to You. You are my Encourager each day anew.

    A mighty fortress is our God,
    a bulwark never failing;
    Our helper he, amid the flood
    of mortal ills prevailing:
    For still our ancient foe
    doth seek to work us woe;
    His craft and power are great,
    and, armed with cruel hate,
    On earth is not his equal.

    Did we in our strength confide,
    our striving would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    the Man of God’s own choosing:
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He;
    Lord Sabbaoth, His Name,
    from age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.

    And though this world, with devils filled,
    should threaten to undo us,
    We will not fear, for God hath willed
    his truth to triumph through us:
    the Prince of Darkness grim,
    we tremble not for him;
    His rage we can endure,
    for lo, his doom is sure,
    one little word shall fell him.

    That word above all earthly powers,
    no thanks to them, abideth;
    The Spirit and the gifts are ours
    through Him Who with us sideth:
    Let good and kindred go,
    this mortal life also;
    the body they may kill:
    God’s truth abideth still,
    his kingdom is forever.

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