mercy… and justice

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 9
This passage starts out good. God makes a firm commitment (covenant) to never destroy people the same way again (i.e. completely). He renews the arrangement with Noah that was first made with Adam; in others words, God is going to work with humans to rebuild His kingdom. Though He will not punish sin with a flood, He will demand justice for evils committed against people, because they are His image-bearers, His beloved children.

The rainbow is a constant reminder that God is at work through the storms of life in this world, not to destroy but to rescue and rebuild.

But then we read about Ham and the curse against His family (Canaan). What did Ham do to deserve this? The passage does not tell us exactly what he did. But the great care exercised by Shem and Japheth implies that Ham did the opposite, shamefully ridiculed and dishonoured his father. The severity of the judgment implies this as well.

Another side to this is to see how Noah’s drunkenness (not so righteous afterall?) has devastating consequences on his family. It shows the way that sin causes even good people to unravel.

A third aspect of this is an explanation for why things were so volatile and messed up in Canaan during Moses’ time. Canaanite religion was degrading and violent (including children sacrifice) and sexually disgusting at the time Israel was about to enter it with Moses. This story would illustrate to them that God punishes such immoral, cruel religious practices. Unfortunately, the people of Israel soon joined their neighbours in those practices.

So what is the lesson in all of this? God works through imperfect people to rebuild His world (instead of destroying them all and starting over), but He will punish people for their immoral and cruel ways.

Lord, thank You for Your patience and mercy, for not treating us as our sins deserve… yet. Help us to use this season of mercy to repent and return to You in humility.


  1. A few things stand out to me;

    v3: the earth is no longer vegetarians, but the animals are now food for man – no wonder they have this new “fear” and “terror” that verse 2 talks about.

    v19: Now it is up to Noah’s sons to repopulate the earth from scratch again

    v22: Ham saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. What was Ham doing in his fathers tent to begin with? Did he have an influence on what his father was doing? Obviously the actions of the other 2 brothers were honoured by God and Ham’s actions, though not clearly explained, were not honoured. This judgement on the household of Ham is woven through future generations and really becomes a central theme to the actions against Canaan. Definately, much more to this incident of Noah than we realize.

  2. LORD thank You for being a God of love, a God of covenant promises. Thank You LORD for the blessings in our lives that You pour out upon us when we live in Your will. Thank You LORD for the daily reminders of Your covenant love that are all around us as each new day unfold. Thank You LORD for the hope that these give us during times of difficulty. LORD, we see clearly through these scriptures that our actions have consequences, help me to make wise choices, to discern, that I may live within Your will. For it’s only in Your will that I am free.

    LORD, everyone is created in Your image – do I think of this when I meet people that I am not comfortable around, do I look for Your image in them? Everyone was created by You and for You. When others meet me, do they meet You? When they look into my life do they see You? When they listen to my words do they hear You?

    LORD, thank You for the sign of the rainbow. Only You could have created something so breath taking. May we stand in awe of You every time one is revealed.

    LORD, even Noah, was not exempt from evil. Everyone makes mistakes, every one falls so short. All that Noah had been through with You and yet that was not enough to keep him from sin. How greatly we need You in the centre of our lives! LORD, these verses reveal the truth of the consequences of our sins – our family, those we love, those most dearest to us are greatly affected by our sins. It doesn’t just hurt me. Sin is like a contagious disease, attaching itself to healthy, living cells, contaminating/ destroying everything it comes close to. Thank You LORD that You are the cure. Thank You LORD that You can bring healing. Thank You LORD that You are a God of Renewal. Thank You LORD that You are a just God! Thank You LORD that You are a God of Promises. Thank You LORD that You are a God of amazing Grace! Thank You LORD that You are a God of Love.

  3. The rainbow was a sign of the covenant of god to his people. I also need signs to help me remember God’s faithfulness during each day while I work in His kingdom. Therefore a bracelet with WWJD or PrayerPower are reminders of His promises to me and what I need to do each day while I work in His garden. But I also see His signs in His world by each new day, the sunset, the birds singing, new growth on trees a budding in the dry season, the rains giving new life, etc.

    Genesis is a book of new beginnings, but once again we see the falleness of man. As the heroes of faith fall so I fall from what I need to do each day. Lead me Lord by Your Spirit in Your Way. Help me to be sincere in my daily walk and continue to pick me up when I stumble and fall. Thank You for the gift of mercy/grace in Christ Jesus so that I am able to live for Jesus.

    I am weak, but Thou art strong;
    Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
    I’ll be satisfied as long
    As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.


    Just a closer walk with Thee,
    Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
    Daily walking close to Thee,
    Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

    Through this world of toil and snares,
    If I falter, Lord, who cares?
    Who with me my burden shares?
    None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.

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