One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Once again I read a refrain just like that of Joshua – As for me, the Lord is our God. And I also read ‘ God is with us. He is our leader.’ That too I am reminded of as we approach the Christmas season and the retailers are reminding me of that. Emmanuel. God is always with us in our daily living/struggles/battles. I am never alone.

    Do I do good and right in the eyes of the Lord? When I ask the question ‘Where did I see Jesus this day?’ I am reminded that I am always in His presence. I need to seek Him each day anew – in all my decisions and actions. I need to seek the Lord with heart, soul, mind and strength. Wholehearted service. Total reliance upon Him, always.

    In following the Word of the Lord will mean at times that you are going against the flow. Take the stand and stand up for Jesus. ‘I must serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord.’ Never be discourage for the battle is the Lord’s. He is in control and He is with me always. Give thanks for that love and strengthening power.

    Lad me and guide me daily Lord. Help me to walk in Your SonShine always. Re-energize me this day to be Yours.

    God is always near me,
    Hearing what I say;
    Knowing all my thoughts and deeds,
    All my work and play.

    God is always near me,
    In the darkest night,
    He can see me just the same
    As by midday light.

    God is always near me,
    Though so young and small;
    Not a look, or word, or thought,
    But God knows it all.

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