Playing games with Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Mark 11:27-33
Play games with Jesus, and you will lose.
The religious leaders had interrogated Jesus many times, they were not interested in His answers.
Jesus knows their hearts, He knows they are already against Him and determined to eliminate Him.
He answers their question with a ‘trick’ question, they know it and refuse to play as well.
We can be sure that the Lord will not play games with us too.
How do we try to play games: asking for things (‘praying’) without being open to Him; many of our prayers are like this.
This is the key, are we open to God/Jesus, or closed; if we’re closed, they will not open to us.
God does not give up on us, but He does not play our game; instead He gently exposes our closed hearts.
God knows my heart, He will not join and support me in my prayer life if I do not join and support Him.
Are you open to Jesus in Your life, or are you just playing games with Him?
Play games with Jesus, and you will lose.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do not mean to be playing games with You, but maybe that is what I’m actually doing, and why I feel you are not answering me. Help me open my heart to You, to be open to all You have in mind for me!


  1. We live in a world of rules. And according to Meyers-Briggs, some of us like to follow the rules more than others. Some of us want others to follow all the rules, but don’t follow them very well ourselves. Yesterday in the news, there was an article about the number of people who were upset at others who were distracted while driving, doing things like texting, reading, etc. They then quoted the percentage of people who admitted to driving while distracted, and there was almost the same as the percentage who were upset at others being distracted.

    It almost looks like the leaders in Jesus’ day were playing cat and mouse with him. Jesus was being attacked from the leaders of the people he came to save. I wonder how this felt to him. He saw through their attack, and found a way to stop them. Looking at the story of Jesus, without the resurrection, it would look like the leaders finally won this game of cat and mouse. But the death and resurrection are the pivotal event in the history of mankind, and we believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection provide the way for mankind to be rescued from evil and death. Today’s story shows us a glimpse of how to deal with adversity.

    I thank God for his coming to save mankind. I pray that I can face adversity, and be given God’s wisdom when I need it.

  2. Observations/Application
    The religious leaders are still out to get Jesus. Opposition to their influence and following. A detractor. And so they try to trick Jesus with their words/logic since they were to get Him to kill the opposition.

    Jesus Knows their hearts and doesn’t fall for their games. All authority comes from God and they knew the answer but . . . they saw they weren’t going to win. They desired the people’s following more than following the Lord Himself. ‘King of the castle’ at all cost – right or wrong – their way was the only way.

    Knowing and doing the will of the Lord would work if only it went with their way of doing it all. Prestige/position/authority/power – all for me was their way yet they did know God’s way but it interfered with their program.

    God’s people were created for service in His ‘garden’ and not to be the master of all. God is in charge and I must serve Him in all that I do. So what do I choose this day? His way.

    Take my hand Lord and lead me this day through so that I do serve You in all that I do.

    1. Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Thou art the potter, I am the clay.
    Mold me and make me after thy will,
    while I am waiting, yielded and still.

    2. Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Search me and try me, Savior today!
    Wash me just now, Lord, wash me just now,
    as in thy presence humbly I bow.

    3. Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Wounded and weary, help me I pray!
    Power, all power, surely is thine!
    Touch me and heal me, Savior divine!

    4. Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
    Hold o’er my being absolute sway.
    Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see
    Christ only, always, living in me!

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