do I trust Him?

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 8
The basic message of this passage is that God takes care of those who put their hope in Him. Not always in the way we want, not always in our timing (no quick and easy), and not always in terms of this life (i.e. sometimes He takes care of them by bringing them home to Him)… But those who put their hope in Him will be led through the valleys to the other side. God does not abandon those who put their hope in Him.

I cannot get bogged down in the debates as to whether this flood is true or even possible. I keep asking myself, what is possible or impossible for God – the same God that created everything out of nothing. Somehow, there was a flood, and Noah and his family survived, and others didn’t.

That raises the other big debate, how can a God of love destroy people like this? At first glance, we cannot imagine an answer to this. But that is in part because of our assumptions. Was there any justification for killing the Nazi’s in WW2? Are we assuming that the people of that day were simple, innocent bystanders minding their own business? Are we imagining that the world of that day was an OK, happy place? Is it possible that things had gotten so bad that it was actually a mercy?

One parallel that comes to mind is the devastating tsunami of several years back. It was awful, and many innocent people died, including many western tourists. But despite the awful loss, do we realize the horrific child-sex slave trade that was (and still is) occurring in those areas? And how many western tourists are there for just that reason? Was the tsunami actually a merciful release for many of those children? And a judgment against those who perpetuate that atrocity?

In the tsunami, and in the flood, God will take care of those who trust in Him, whether or not they survived it. Whatever disaster occurs, it is God’s wake-up call to us to repent (change our minds and lives) and turn to God, trust and honour Him. God will take care of those who trust in Him.

Lord, I have never experienced a disaster, but I’ve heard enough about them to know they are designed to shake us all up. Help me to realize the seriousness of sin, and to put You and Your kingdom first in my life… like Noah did.


  1. LORD, thank You for the reminder that just like Noah, You never forget about us even in those times when it seems like this is taking forever. LORD, forgive me when I am too impatient to wait for Your timing, waiting until You tell me when it’s time for something to be over. Noah left the ark – just as You commanded (once again we hear this). Noah waited on You. LORD, grant me the kind of patience Noah reveals in these scriptures to truly wait on You, listening for Your will in all circumstances and situations – especially times of wilderness and valleys.

    Thank You LORD for Your unfailing and unending promises. This promise is HUGE! You knew the state of our humanness and that this world would once again be a world full of sin and evil yet You promised never again to destroy all living things as long as this earth remains. Every season is a continual reminder of this promise. Thank You LORD for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins, redeeming this world with Your amazing Grace! I put my hope in You! I trust You LORD! Your will be done!

  2. Where did I see God today? Upon exiting the ark, Noah gave thanks to God. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord my God, in all things. All the time. As Noah and his family experienced God’s mighty power in their lives by being saved from the flood, people today were saved from the mighty winds and waters and mud slides here in Haiti. How did the people see God in all of this? Where do we place our trust? Where do I place my trust? How do I see God in all of this? I need to place in my mind and heart the things of God and not of man. I need to be a SonSeeker each and every day in all I do and say. Help me Lord to live a life of thanksliving always. Help me to place my trust in You also this day. Help me to gives thanks for my daily Bread.

    Put thou thy trust in God,
    In duty’s path go on;
    Walk in His strength with faith and hope,
    So shall thy work be done.

    Commit thy ways to Him,
    Thy works into His hands,
    And rest on His unchanging Word,
    Who Heav’n and earth commands.

    Though years on years roll on,
    His cov’nant shall endure;
    Though clouds and darkness hide His path,
    The promised grace is sure.

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