The Lord needs you too!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 11:1-11
The Lord needs you, will you let Him use you?
As the Messiah, Jesus is on a mission to restore God’s world.
In the process He welcomes others to partner with Him in fulfilling that mission.
All that we have, all that we are, can be used to help restore God’s world.
Even a donkey, or a laptop, or a wheelbarrow, or a bicycle pump, or a book, or a cup of sugar…
Some people refuse to surrender themselves and their resources to Jesus.
They prefer to keep and use their stuff for building and protecting their own kingdom.
The thing is, those who release themselves to God’s use end up receiving it back again: “The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly…”
But those who cling desperately to their own, end up losing it: “For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” (Matthew 16:25-27)
The Lord needs you, will you let Him use you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me not to be stubborn like a mule, and hold myself back from You and Your service. Here I am, use me!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Jesus comes to Jerusalem on a colt and not a white stallion. Lowly estate. And He continues to work His powers through all – the people freely gave up the colt, the people gave Him a royal entrance – they freely gave.

    How often did we not see the lowly brought forth to an elevated position. Christ came to the downcast, the needy, the downtrodden and we? I?

    All too often we say that it is below our standard, or that’s not for me – below my dignity – don’t want to get my hands dirty. And yet that’s exactly where Christ wants us/me. All what I have is His and needs to be used for His services. He has blessed me and I need to be a blessing to all I meet and greet. All what I have is His – for His service. Too long have I worked for the toys only to give them up freely in later life. Finally I see. The Lord needs it – for His serve and I need to be that instrument of peace. Freely give.

    Help me daily to hold onto You Lord and let go all the worldly items – to be used in kingdom service. Help me to be a blessing this day since I too come in the name of the Lord.

    God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name,
    I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name,
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His love as He told me to.

    He said, Freely, freely you have received;
    Freely, freely give.
    Go in my name and because you believe,
    Others will know that I live.”

    All power is given in Jesus’ name,
    In earth and heaven, in Jesus’ name;
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His power as He told me to.

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