Taking sin seriously NOW!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 9:42-50
Sin (evil, injustice, immorality, cruelty, greed, lust, pride, selfishness, murder, rage, etc.) is serious.
We all sense that there is ‘good’ and ‘evil’, we just don’t like it when others tell us which is which.
We all sense that there ought to be justice, but we don’t want anyone else to Judge us.
Jesus makes it clear that sin is serious, and that one day it will be Judged, by the True Judge.
There are consequences for sin, whether we admit it or not… for others and for us.
Those who refuse to change, refuse to reject sin, and reject God’s alternative, there will be consequences.
The imagery of hell as unquenchable fire and worm rot is symbolism, which does not mean it’s not real.
The ultimate consequence of rejecting God and choosing sin will be unspeakably awful.
God does not send anyone anywhere, but gives over people to their own wishes; a Judge does not send a mass murderer to jail, the mass murderer makes choices that result in jail – the same with hell.
It is not the Judge’s fault that people end up in jail/hell.
Jesus is loving, but He is not soft on sin… it is because He is loving for all that He is serious about sin.
Do you see how much misery and suffering results from your sinful choices, for others and for yourself?
Will you take it seriously NOW, or will you wait to see how serious it is THEN?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I acknowledge that there needs to be justice, and that You are the only Judge. Help me not to make excuses for my sin, but to see how serious it really is. Help me to choose to take is seriously NOW, rather than waiting until THEN to discover how serious it really was.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The first verse of today’s reading reminded me once again of the awesomeness of the tasks as teachers all who teach and interact with children. I/we all need to be instruments of His peace/grace so that they too may know Him.
    Stumbling blocks – the awfulness of stumbling – sin. Get rid of that which makes you/me stumble and fall short of serving Him. It is better to do without in this lifetime than to do without God forever. Get rid of all things that distract oneself from God. No stumbling blocks, but stepping stones are needed.
    Stepping stones are those stones which brings me closer to Him and with His people. Whatever I do, it must be in tune with God.

    O, for a closer walk with God – help me this day Lord to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block.

    O be careful little eyes what you see
    O be careful little eyes what you see
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little eyes what you see

    O be careful little ears what you hear
    O be careful little ears what you hear
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little ears what you hear

    O be careful little hands what you do
    O be careful little hands what you do
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little hands what you do

    O be careful little feet where you go
    O be careful little feet where you go
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little feet where you go

    O be careful little mouth what you say
    O be careful little mouth what you say
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little mouth what you say.

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