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  1. Observations/Application
    God moves with His people – wherever His people are, there He is. A permanent resident among His people but not a permanent house.

    The Lord God is with His people and it is He Who has brought me this far. How do I see that this day – God’s leading and guiding – to walk in His SonShine. I need to walk and talk with God and see His hand upon my life daily. Where will I see Him today? Open my ears Lord that I may hear Your voice . Open my eyes Lord that I may see You on this day You have made.

    Never give up and relax. Satan is always there inciting conflict. He makes man depend upon oneself. self power, rather than GodPower. Self esteem, pride, independence, sell power, wealth, etc are all ways that can lead one to fall from God’s presence. Walk always in His presence. Always be dependent upon Him. Call upon Him always. Let Him be my Guide in all things. God’s way and not my ways.

    Telling the next generation of God’s workings in one’s life as David did to Solomon is important – working for the Lord. Be strong and courageous. Do His work. The Lord God is with You. Do I realize that?

    This is Your world God. Help me to be an instrument of Your peace. Lead and guide me this day in all my ways so that all may see that I am a child of the King Who empowers me in all I do and say.

    Whisper a prayer in the morning,
    Whisper a prayer at noon.
    Whisper a prayer in the evening,
    He will keep your heart in tune.
    God answers prayer in the morning,
    God answers prayer at noon.
    God answers prayer in the evening.
    He will keep your heart in tune.

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