Who does your church celebrate?

SCRIPTURE: Mark 9:33-37
Among chickens, there is a pecking order… among humans too.
We are eager to establish ourselves in a good place, to try to rise up in the ranks, to belong and be valued.
There is something normal and healthy in this, God created us to belong and be valued.
But the curse of sin has messed this up, and life is more about playing ‘king of the hill’, or ‘survival of the fittest’.
Even Jesus’ disciples, with Jesus all these months, still do not get that this is so NOT Jesus.
Even Jesus’ disciples… is that true today?
Do we have our heroes, our pecking order in church, our famous Christians, our autograph givers (and seekers)?
This is so NOT Jesus, He is not looking for acclaim, He avoids the crowds, and He refuses to give autographs.
To celebrate the little ones, whether children or those that society overlooks; these are the heroes in Jesus’ life.
Those living on the streets, those living on reserves or in ghettoes, those with disabilities, the unemployed, those who have been publicly shamed or humiliated, those eating at food banks or living on social assistance…
(*Note, it is not that these people are less than anyone else, but they are often treated as less that others).
These are the ones that Jesus celebrates, that He seeks autographs from… are these celebrated in your church?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, how easy it is to slip into the world’s pecking order, and even to build it into the life of Your church. Help me to see the true heroes and stars among us, and help me to be like them, like You!


  1. Who is the greatest? We are a culture of star gazers. When the red carpet comes out, and Hollywood stars come to town for the International Film Festival, then all the newspapers carry front page news and the whole city goes crazy while we worship the few who have made it big in the movies.

    In a smaller way, we look up to those that we think have made it. Certain careers are thought to be more respectable, and lawyers and doctors are what we want for our children, since we didn’t choose that path. These days, it is hard to fill the trade careers, as we as a society encourage university education which doesn’t even guarantee a good job any more.

    From our youngest days, we have respected those who seemed to excel at sports, and those who were confident in social situations, the leaders. Those who were shy, and unsure of themselves felt like they didn’t measure up. Getting picked last for the game of scrimmage ended up with huge problems with their self esteem.

    Jesus wants to level the playing field. I am not better than anyone. I am also not worse than anyone. It is interesting that being human levels this field ultimately. We are all born naked, and we all die, without taking anything with us. Along the way we should learn to respect all people, those who think differently than us, those who dress differently, and those who society has neglected.

    I pray that I will welcome others including children and people in need, in the name of Jesus, and that is so doing I will be welcoming Jesus, and God the Father.

  2. Observations/Application
    Christ asks the question of His disciples, but He already knew the answer. Inwardly they knew their argument was futile. Christ came to serve and not to be served. Remember the beatitudes? Remember the parables of being a servant? And they/I still did not get the picture? Christ came down to become one of us and we too need to become like a brother to those around us.

    A child – full of trust, new beginnings, joy – no pre-conceived notions of how – ‘innocence.’ I too need to live Christ – as He said – “Do this and live.’ Follow His example and the attitude should be like those of the be-atitudes. They will know we are Christians by our love.

    Lord, help me in my attitudes to be more like You.

    More like Christ, my heart is praying,
    More like Christ from day to day;
    All His graces rich displaying,
    While I tread my pilgrim way.
    More like Christ, every day,
    More like Christ, my heart doth say;
    Yes, more like Christ,
    More like Christ every day.

    More like Christ in deeds of kindness,
    And in all the words I say;
    Yearning for the souls in blindness,
    Who are going far astray.

    More like Christ in burden-bearing,
    Helping all the sad and weak;
    Tears and sorrows gladly sharing,
    Others’ pleasure would I seek.

    More like Christ in self-denial,
    Seeking not a life of ease;
    Patient in the depths of trial,
    That my Savior I may please.

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