Christian atheists or Atheist christians?

David is overwhelmed by how many people deny and defy God, how foolish and corrupt so many of them are.
While it is true, I believe, that it is foolish to deny God, I do not think that therefore every atheist or agnostic is the worst kind of person morally; in fact I know atheists/agnostics whose goodness puts Christians to shame.
Some may protest that there is no such thing as secular or God-less goodness, but my response is that while certainly imperfect (more than we realize), such ‘goodness’ still reflects God’s goodness, and is rooted in God, not evil.
This Psalm is not David’s commentary on atheists, but on people (religious and non-religious) who are evil, without regard for God and His will; see Psalm 10:2-13 for a description of these kinds of people.
In their thoughts they have no room or concern for God; they do evil and figure God will not punish them; these are the fools David is talking about.
Now to some extent we all exhibit some of this folly (“no one does good, not even one”, see Romans 3:9-18).
We should not think that we are better than others, God knows we all have our sins and imperfections.
But there are wicked sinners and humble sinners, and God sees into the heart to know the difference.
At the end of the day, when we stand before God, we will either kneel before God in humility, or stand up to Him in defiance, and this response will lead to our eternal destiny.
In my experience, there are atheists who act like Christians, and Christians who act like atheists; only God will be able to sort out in the end who are open to Him, and who are closed.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I know atheists who act like Christians, and Christians who act like atheists. My own heart is divided at times. You know my heart better than anyone. May I not be like the wicked that David speaks of, but may I be among the humble ones You restore and make glad!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    This Psalm reminds me of be pleading for the righteous in the city. And the number was not large but this Psalm states that there were none. The fool lives for himself and none other. The good is their way and not God’s. None seek the face of the Lord. They are a law to themselves. But then, they are also a fear to themselves. God is the Conqueror and Deliverer and He will set His people free.

    Bless the Lord oh mu soul and all that is within me. Bless His holy name today and always. Rejoice and be glad for God is God and He is with His people now and forevermore. Serve Him.

    Help me to rejoice in the Lord always and live for Him in all I do and say.

    Rejoice in the Lord always
    And again I say Rejoice
    Rejoice in the Lord always

    And again I say Rejoice

    Rejoice, Rejoice
    And again I say Rejoice

    Rejoice, Rejoice
    And again I say Rejoice

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