One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Amon followed his father’s ways – that of Manasseh. Fathers do show the way to their children. Yet the Lord raises a king like Josiah to bring the people back to the ways of the Lord. When the king lives the Word of the Lord, the disaster will not occur or at least the king would not see it but be buried in peace. How do I see the disasters of today – God speaking to His people – What a Mighty God we serve! Do I see the Lord speaking through the events of the world in which I live this day?

    How do I keep my way according to the Word of the Lord? How do I live His Way each day? I need to be walking in His SonShine everyday and always. Not my will but Yours be done.

    The many kings mentioned in today’s reading went their own way and did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Even though the prophets were there, the kings had no regard for God’s way. God’s anger was there because of the waywardness. Yet they did evil in the eyes of the Lord.

    The Lord continue to raise kings so that His will be done amidst all the destruction happenings of the day – then and now. His Loght continues to shine and the wise men of today follow that Light.

    Help me daily Lord to walk in Your SonShine.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
    to shine for Him each day.
    In every moment.
    at home at work at play.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

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