choosing to resist sin

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 3" href="">Genesis 4
I remember seeing a saying in my younger years that I’ve never forgotten: “Give alcohol an inch, and it will become a ruler!” This applies to all sin and temptation, give in to it even a little, and it will get a hold of your life! This is what I hear God warning Cain about, and the warning still stands today. We must subdue it and be its master!

Easier said than done. Our hearts are prone to wander, prone to lust, to pride, to greed, to selfishness. We are not so unlike Cain, giving half-hearted offerings to God because our true focus is self! Do we expect God to be impressed by our distracted affections? Would they please you, from your spouse? Some of us become like Lamech, boastful of our exploits and deviations! And all of us are like Cain, homeless (or restless) wanderers, living in fear of being exposed, getting caught, or crashing.

We need to be like Abel and Seth, who made it a point to worship the Lord by Name (i.e. in a personal, authentic relational way, not just empty formal religion). Seth and his people are models of seeking God and His kingdom first and not living self-centered, self-serving lives.

These are the two paths the Bible repeatedly talks about: the way of death (serving self) and the way of life (serving God), the way of the wicked and the way of the righteous. We have seen the results in peoples’ lives around us, and maybe also in our own lives. It is so obvious it’s hard to believe no one realizes it: selfish living is destructive, God-focused living is healthy.

To each and every one of us, the warning of God is so important: “Watch out, sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master!”

By ourselves, this is impossible. But if we reach out to the Lord by Name, He will help us and enable us to defeat the penalty and power of sin in our lives. The choice is ours! Which path will we choose?

Lord, I have made wrong choices, and allowed sin to become a ruler. I admit it, I need Your help. I choose You again today!


  1. vs.5 “his (Cain’s) countenance fell”
    vs.6 the Lord asks him “why has your countenance fallen?”
    vs.7 “If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?”

    Websters Dictionary definition of Countenance: “the whole form of the face, to favour, to give approval to”

    Cain’s favour, his approval fell. Disappointment can be devastating. The Lord desires though that we learn to cope, we learn to deal with these things. We have a choice. Cain had a choice before him.

    How will I choose today in how I deal with my disappointments?

  2. LORD, I long to acknowledge You first in my life – always, in all situations and circumstances. I want to give You my first fruits, the best of the best of my time, my gifts, my everything NOT the mediocre and certainly NOT my left overs. I pray that I might learn to do this always with a grateful and cheerful heart, acknowledging You in everything.

    So often we lay the blame on the power of sin, the overwhelming power of temptation but LORD, this scripture reveals to us that not only can we subdue sin but we can master it. The power is given to us to rule over sin! Empower me LORD I plead.

    LORD, even though You already knew every detail of what Cain had done to Abel, You asked him what he had done, giving Cain the opportunity to confess and come clean. We too have that opportunity every time we mess up. If only we would just come to You in Truth, our concequences could be so different. LORD, how often we complain about the concequences of our own actions and choices? Do we too really think about it being unfair or unjust, more than we can handle? Thank You LORD that Your love rules over our sin, no matter what we have done. Cain murdered, yet You still put Your sign upon him to protect him. We fall so short yet You sent Your Son to redeem us.

    LORD, I call upon Your Name to help me choose the way of life- loving and serving You! Please, let Your love to rule over my life. Help me by Your Holy Spirit one step at a time to grow in You. In my life LORD, be glorified!

  3. Choices. I choose life or I choose death. I choose to serve God or I choose to serve self. I must choose to rule over sin. And my choices have a great effect upon the following generations.

    As parents, we desire the best for our children and the best is that they too, serve the Lord while working in His garden. How painful it must have been for Adam and Eve to experience the lifestyle of their children and grandchildren. How painful it is also today to see children following their heart’s desire to serve self, the pleasures of this life, and not be Son Seekers. Our boast needs to be in the Lord in not in our accomplishments. It gives parents great joy when they see their children calling on the name of the Lord and serving Him.

    Help me each day Lord, to go forward in Your power. Lead me guide me each step of my way today, so that I will walk in the most excellent way.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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