Show Your power… please!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 7:31-37
Oh that this healing power was as evident today as it was with Jesus.
Many Christians believe it is, but I have not seen it at work like this.
Just being honest, I have not seen obvious miraculous healings (from blind to seeing, from lame to walking, from deaf to hearing, from dead to alive, from mute to speaking, etc.).
I have certainly looked up into heaven and sighed deeply, I have put my hands on tumours and prayed/said ‘be healed’.
Not saying that it doesn’t happen, but I have not seen it, it is not evident to me in my experience.
I have heard testimonies about healing like this (often more invisible, less obvious miracles).
The finger in the ear and the spit on the tongue is a curious detail… why, what can it mean?
Lots of questions, lots of mystery; many people conclude that it is not real, that it is myth.
I choose to be amazed at the stories, and take them at face value, to say about Jesus ‘He has done everything well!’
And I will continue to look up to heaven, sigh deeply, and pray for healing… desperately hoping that this will be the time that God will make His healing power evident.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want to see miracles like this. Not just for my own faith experience, but because my heart goes out to those I am with, my heart sighs with their suffering. Please, show Your power to me, through me!


  1. Observation/Application
    Jesus can’t escape the people coming to Him. Even in this isolated place, people had heard of His power and greatness that they sought Him out. And the miracle happened once again, but not in front of the crowd, but away from the crowd.
    Christ looks to heaven for it is from there all power comes. He also sighed because of the people’s unbelief and . . . with the ears opened and the tongue loosened, the man could freely praise the living God – which he did. He could not help but do just that – glorify God for the opened heart and loose tongue to praise Him for all what He had done! Praise God!

    Open my heart Lord and loosen my tongue so that I may praise and glorify Your name each day for this day is a day You have made to praise Your name. Help me always to see Your presence.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

  2. He has done everything well!

    When something wonderful happens, we want to tell everyone. That is why Facebook is such a great place. When we have baked a perfect batch of cookies, the world should know.

    Jesus healed this man who was deaf and mute. It is interesting that in this case he stuck his fingers in his ears, and touched his tongue. In other cases, he just spoke the word, and people were healed. Perhaps it was to show this man, and those around that the healing was through the power of Jesus. I don’t think that this was a procedure required to heal this type of affliction. God is certainly a God of variety.

    Sometimes Jesus tells people to tell people in their home town of all the wonderful and amazing things that God had done for them. (The Demon possessed man who wanted to follow him) But here he asked the man not to say anything. Why? Was it because he had enough on his plate, and had enough crowds to handle? I don’t know the answer.

    This man went and told everybody he could see. Being able to speak and hear is a big deal. I work with a person who is deaf/mute and communication becomes a little more difficult. Of course a person who is set free from this would want to tell the world. If only they had Facebook. And the reaction from the people? They were overwhelmed with amazement, and said “He has done everything well.”

    I pray that I can say about God in my life that He has done everything well. I pray that I will be guided to places and circumstances where I can make a difference. I pray that I can sense God’s guidance is specific situations to know what to do.

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