“Cleanse my heart, O God!”

SCRIPTURE: Mark 7:14-23
In the OT, Moses’ Law separated between ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’ foods.
Here Mark observes that Jesus calls all food clean; Jesus is not just changing the Law, He has fulfilled it.
The OT Laws were symbolic reminders for holiness, reminders that not everything is good for us.
There is sin (uncleanness) and morality (cleanness), and it is because of sin that we are guilty, unclean, unholy.
Jesus points beyond the symbol to the meaning, how it is the heart that makes us clean or unclean.
We still need to take sin very seriously, but the OT symbols have been fulfilled by Jesus; He is not our reminder of holiness, He is now our example of clean living.
All of God’s creation is good and clean, if it is received in an appropriate way, God-honouring way (1 Timothy 4:4-5).
Our real issue is a heart issue: greed, lust, pride, selfishness, lying, anger, etc.
These are the things that need to be addressed; this is what Jesus came to deal with, and by His death and resurrection and gift of the Spirit, we are able to be clean on the inside.
Pay attention to your heart, your motives, your desires, your attitudes… are they clean?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I know the answer to this question. My heart is weak, my love is shallow, my desires are conflicted. Thank You for forgiving me through Jesus, and for helping me by Your Spirit. Help me to claim this forgiveness and help.


  1. Observations/Application
    The heart of the matter is the heart – heart commitment. It is from the heart that all of life flows – not just in a physical way giving life, but also in a spiritual way giving life direction. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were focussed on the outside – traditions, man made rules, the practices but these did not show where the heart was at.
    What is my heart concern? What is the driving force of my life? What is the centre for my life? What is my reason for being?
    The heart of the matter is the ‘heart.’

    Capture all my thoughts and motives Lord and my they all serve You from day to day. May the activities of this day once again show that I am Yours and You are mine.

    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me
    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me

    Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord
    And take not Thy holy spirit from me
    Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
    And renew a right spirit within me

    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me
    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me

    Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord
    Take not Thy holy spirit from me
    Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
    And renew a right spirit within me

    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me
    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me

    Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord
    Take not Thy holy spirit from me
    Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
    And renew a right spirit within me

  2. It’s what’s inside that counts!

    What is inside of me? That is what others will see. As much as I try, it comes spilling out. I sometimes catch myself, but often I feel a sense of remorse at what I just said. If I could live the moment over again, I would be more gracious, and not spout the first thing that comes to my mind.

    The people of Jesus’ day had a problem with dietary law. Some foods were OK and others were not to be eaten. Pork for instance was taboo. Mark states that Jesus was saying that foods were no longer considered unclean. I wonder if the foods that were forbidden were somehow not good for a person, and should be avoided for better health. We personally make all kinds of foods taboo, but usually for health reasons, and not religious ones.

    It is interesting that a huge list of negative traits are said to come from within a person. These things come from within, and when they come out, they expose the person and show what is inside. I believe that goodness, faithfulness, kindness, and other gifts from God also reside within, and with God’s help we can spread this around.

    I pray that the evil within me will be replaced with the good gifts from God. I pray that I can control what comes out of me, and that I can become a positive influence to those around me.

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