our folly, God’s mercy

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 22" href="http://biblegateway.com/bible?version=51&passage=Genesis+3">Genesis 3
This passage shows how everything falls apart, when people listen to the voice of lies, rather than the voice of God. How many lies have we listened to, given in to, and been defeated by? The promise of pleasure, success, happiness, prosperity, wisdom, etc. but with a huge cost. The enemy doesn’t care how he entraps us, so long as he does it. He is an expert fisherman, with a tackle box filled with a multitude of lures, different ones working on different people.

People freely give themselves over to so many choices and lifestyles that enslave them in the end. We are fools freely selling our souls to hell. Look at the mess we make of this world, of our lives. Misery, bondage, despair. The very things we wanted to avoid with our foolish choices become the things we receive.

Paul says that the wages of sin is death. This does not mean that God randomly punishes people who sin with death, but that the natural consequence of sin is death – just as the natural consequence of putting your hand in a flame is being burned. How can we separate ourselves from the Source of Life, and expect to keep on living?

But the highlight in this passage for me – in the midst of the tragedy of human folly – is God’s mercy, patience and love. He still comes to Adam and Eve (and us) even though He knows our sin. He comes looking for us, seeking us. And though He cannot stop the consequences of our folly, He does decide to work through it to accomplish His purpose. He promises that one day the source of sin will be defeated by the offspring of man (i.e. Jesus Genesis 3:14-15). And though He sends them out of paradise, He does not send them out naked, but clothes them with animal skins.

This shows me that no matter how far I fall, He will keep on reaching out to me, offering me hope and helping me overcome my shame. The only question for us is, will we accept His love, His hope, His help?

Lord, I know my own stupid choices, and I know the consequences they bring me. Thank You for not giving up on me, for offering me hope again and again, and for helping me. May I be willing to receive Your help!


  1. Sometimes I get caught up in trying to understand too much in a passage.

    Like for instance, what was the state of Adam & Eve before they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Were they similar to the animals but with responsibility, not aware of their nakedness or shame of it? Was this state God’s intention for his creation? Perhaps then, the state of the isolated tribal folks are closer to God then what we have developed into?

    Not only did Adam & Eve have to receive God’s punishment from the act of disobeying God, they also had to live with the consequences of eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. I wonder what is worse?

  2. Oh LORD, my heart breaks for the brokenness of this world. At times it seems so overwhelming. I give thanks LORD that I can surrender all of this to You. LORD this chapter reveals spiritual warfare! Every day satan works hard to tempt us. Like Adam and Eve we can be swayed if we are not in close relationship with You, seeking Your wisdom, asking You for direction, discernment, looking to You for our every need. Like Adam and Eve we are quick to lay blame, point fingers but really, the responsibility is our own. We make our own choices. I am to blame for my wrong choices. I praise You LORD for Your Redeeming love that covers my shame. I praise You LORD for Your unending forgiveness that is so ready to enfold me when I mess up, giving in to temptation. I thank You LORD that Your strength is always available to me when I feel the temptation is too great, that I don’t have to face it alone. LORD, no matter how feeble my cry for help, You will always respond if I just cry out. Thank You LORD for all that You are. Thank You LORD that we too can walk each day with You. May we not take this for granted but see it for all that it is. Thank You LORD that today is a new day. LORD, take my hand, I want to walk with You.

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