Jesus is concerned for you too

SCRIPTURE: Mark 6:30-34
Jesus is concerned for his disciples, and invites them to a quiet time of retreat.
Jesus is concerned for the masses that follow Him, desperate for God and good in their lives, and He teaches them about God and His kingdom.
Jesus is concerned for us, He sees us overwhelmed and stressed, and invites us to a quiet retreat with Him.
Jesus is concerned for the masses, He sees how they are like lost sheep, wandering and in danger and desperate, and He offers them hope of a better world.
Jesus is concerned for you, He sees you in your struggle and need, and He invites you to experience God’s grace and blessing.
God sent Jesus into the world to help (save) the lost, to heal the broken, to lift up the humbled, to stand up for the oppressed.
Jesus continues to feel deep concern… for you and for the masses around you.
Do you sense His deep concern for you?
Do you sense His deep concern for those around you – family, friends, neighbours, strangers, etc.?
Do you share His deep concern for them, will you join Him in offering them hope for a better world, strength for a better life?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for caring for me, and for showing me God’s love and hope for me. Help me to share your deep concern for those around me (not just those I know or like), and to help You help them, to be Your hands and feet and words and ears to bless them.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The people were flocking to Jesus. The disciples came to report on their progress to their Master, but because of the people, they retreated to a quiet place, at eat so they thought. However, the people saw them – Jesus and his disciples leaving – ands being Spirit lead, went ahead to meet Him there to be filled. They knew what they needed to be filled and fed. And Jesus taught them.

    As the people followed Him so I too need to seek the Master in all I do and say because He is the Source of power, strength, vision, insight – my ALL in all. Rest is for strengthening powers – renewing. The disciples would have received that as part of Christ’s suggestion. I too, need to come to a quiet place and be attentive to His Word for strengthening power for He cares for His people – all of them.
    Listen to Him and be strengthened. Do you hear?

    You know my needs Lord. I come to You for renewing powers so that I am able to live for You from day to day. May all your people not only hear but come to You for power – power from above.

    Come to the Savior now,
    He gently calleth thee;
    In true repentance bow,
    Before Him bend the knee;
    He waiteth to bestow
    Salvation, peace, and love,
    True joy on earth below,
    A home in Heav’n above.

    Come to the Savior now,
    Ye who have wandered far;
    Renew your solemn vow,
    For His by right you are;
    Come, like poor wand’ring sheep
    Returning to His fold;
    His arm will safely keep,
    His love will ne’er grow cold.

    Come to the Savior, all,
    Whate’er your burdens be;
    Hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on Me.”
    Come, and for ev’ry grief
    In Jesus you will find
    A sure and safe relief,
    A loving Friend and kind.

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