Do you want to be a holy man or woman?

SCRIPTURE: Mark 6:17-29
John was a holy man who did what was right… and he was beheaded for it; Jesus was a holy man who did what was right… and he was crucified for it.
Do you want to be a holy man or woman, are you committed to doing what is right?
Jesus invites us to live God’s way, to live life as God intended it to be lived.
This is kingdom living: to be honest, to generous, to be merciful, to be kind, to be a servant, to help those in need, to love all people including enemies, to forgive those who wrong us, to go the extra mile for those who take advantage of us, to refuse to compromise our integrity or morality, to speak out against injustice and stand up for the oppressed.
This is how Jesus live, this is why John was arrested, this is why people fear and opposed them.
Do you want to be a holy man or woman, are you committed to doing what is right?
The job description is clear and simple, but not easy, and it is guaranteed to provoke a negative response from some.
But it is God’s way, the way we were made to live, the way our world needs to live in order to experience peace and joy and blessing.
Jesus asks us to follow Him not because it is easy, not because it pays off in this life, not because we will find health and wealth and happiness… but because it is right and good and the only way God’s world will be restored.
In this life we will pay a price, but God’s promise is that those who choose this life, and pay this price in this life will be rewarded in the next life: they will see and experience the kind of world they lived this life for… forever!
Do you want to be a holy man or woman, are you committed to doing what is right?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, one day we will not suffer for doing what is right and good. Until then, keep me focused on living like You, according to God’s will, trusting that You will use my holy life to rebuild your holy world, and restore your kingdom creation.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Whose voice do you listen to? Herod knew John was a righteous man and yet listened to ‘man’s’ voice and not God’s. Herod made a rash promise and carried out that promise.

    John listened to God’s voice preparing the way for His Master and it cost him His life. Serving the Lord does cost. Following Jesus makes one stand up for Jesus. I need to stand on that solid Rock. I need to listen to the voice saying – ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’ I must do as my bracelet says – Walk With Jesus Daily and let Him be the Guardian and Guide of my walk – my pilgrim’s progress.

    Help me daily to walk with You Lord.

    Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me!
    Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me!
    While I’m on my pilgrim journey,
    I need You, Jesus, to walk with me.

    Be my friend, Lord! Be my friend!
    Be my friend, Lord! Be my friend!
    While I’m on this tedious journey,
    I need You, Jesus, to be my friend.

    Don’t leave me alone, Lord!
    Don’t leave me alone!
    Don’t leave me alone, Lord!
    Don’t leave me alone!
    While I’m on my pilgrim journey,
    I need You, Jesus –
    Don’t leave me alone!

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