Jesus sends me too!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 6:6-13
Jesus is sent by God to rebuild His world, to rescue His family, to restore His kingdom.
Jesus sends out His disciples to do the same thing, in the same way as He does (John 20:21).
He authorizes His followers to represent God, to demonstrate God’s love and power.
They are to love, to serve, to share, to care, and to trust that God will take care of them.
They are not to force themselves on people, but to allow people the freedom to accept or reject God’s grace.
In our context, in the towns and villages where God places us, we are to do the same thing.
We are authorized by God to love, serve, share and care in Jesus’ Name, with God’s power.
Notice especially that our concern is not our own welfare and need, but the welfare and need of others.
As we seek God and His kingdom first, He will provide us everything we need to live and love for Him.
The question is, do we think of ourselves as sent like this… and are we making the effort to do it?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I was raised to think about being a Christian as going to church, instead of following and joining You in Your kingdom mission. Help me to go in Your Name, to love and serve and share and care as Your missionary. And may I see Your power at work in and through me!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    All for Jesus. The disciples were totally dependent upon Him for all their needs. They were not to take thought of what to eat or to drink, but just do as He asked. Proclaim the Good News. They did. His Spirit was with them as evidenced by their ministry.

    Total trust. Totally dependency. Not what my hands can do but what you can do through me if only I go forward and give myself to You. You are the Pilot of my life. Help me today to do Your will and be dependent upon You 24/7. All is from Your hand.

    Help me realize once again Lord that all is only a possibility with Your leading and guiding. Help me live in that dependent Way – the Jesus Way.

    Every day I look to You,
    To be the strength of my life.
    Breathe on me and make me new,
    Be the strength of my life.
    Be the strength of my life,
    Be the strength of my life,
    Be the strength of my life today. (repeat)
    Verse 2.
    Mighty Shepherd and Faithful Guide
    Be the strength of my life.
    In Your presence I will abide
    Be the strength of my life.

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