God’s greatness emanating through me!

When God is at the centre (of a city, a nation, a fortress, or a person’s heart), there is hope, security and joy.
The psalmist is thinking in terms of Jerusalem, with the temple at the centre, and how God makes them confident.
But we can apply this to our own lives, to our hearts, when we embrace God as our centre.
To love God with heart, soul, mind and strength is to embrace God as the hope and strength of our life.
When our lives revolve around God, we discover a joy and peace and hope that inspires and energizes us.
Just as the city inspired the psalmist, my life can do the same when I cling to God at the centre.
God is over me, God is with me, God is in me, God is working through me… this is amazing!!!
As I meditate and dwell on this idea, a calmness and strength flow within me, and emanate from me.
And others notice, they sense – not me but God in me – they sense His peace guarding my heart and mind.
Is God the centre of my life, of your life, is he Your God and your guide forever and ever?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, You are great, and I am weak without You. But in/with You, I have a strength and joy beyond what I could find myself. As I meditate on You, May You emanate from me, and may others be drawn to Your greatness through me.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    A great Psalm of praise for as soon as I started reading and listening to this Psalm I was reminded of a song about the city of our God. That city stand secure because it is of the Lord. And the inhabitants praise You for Your righteousness. We will tell the next generation about this our God Who is my Guide to the next generation. Mighty is He and He is for ever and ever. What a mighty God I serve.

    Help me to tell of You to the next generation by my words and deeds Lord. Let me tell of Your faithfulness.

    The city of our God, Jerusalem the bright,
    Her gleaming wall and spires tall adorn the sight.
    The Lord within
    Awaits us there, with mansions fair,
    In glorious light.

    No temple will there be, no sun or moon need shine,
    The glory of the Lord and Lamb will be its shrine.
    The nations walk
    Within its light, O wondrous sight—
    What holy sign!

    Where gleam of precious stone and gates of pearl surround,
    Foursquare it stands, o’er all the lands, in beauty crowned.
    All pain is gone:
    No death or tears—our sorrow, fears
    Are no more found.

    Our true and heart’s desire, to live within God’s walls,
    From mountain peak your towers we seek, the gleaming halls.
    O draw us there;
    From streets of gold, Love manifold
    Our welcome calls.

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