Say it loud, “Quiet, be still!”

SCRIPTURE: Mark 4:35-41
In Psalm 46, we are urged to rest in God through the storms.
Jesus seems to have a sense of peace about Him, an ability to rest in God’s presence and power.
He has faith in God His Father, He knows that God will fulfill His life purpose for Him.
The key to living well is living with a sense of God’s presence, God’s power, and being still in it.
Not doing nothing, but doing whatever we do (including rowing the boat) with a sense of confidence in God.
Jesus is confident in God, He is also confident in the disciples as experienced sailors.
As life’s challenges come, do what you do best, but know that God is also doing what He does best.
Fretting or fuming will not save a ship from sinking, but rowing and bailing and praying in a God-trusting way can.
In this case, Jesus calms the storm with His confidence in God, and I think we can do the same.
The next time you find yourself fretting or fuming, stand up to it with God-confidence and say to your crisis and to yourself: Quiet, be still, know that God is God!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, right now I have fretful thoughts troubling my soul. With boldness and faith I declare “quiet, be still!” If refuse to let these feelings overwhelm me! You do care, I will not drown!

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