Do you talk about God with others?

When is the last time you have had a conversation about God with someone – outside of church?
The Psalms encourage us to express what we are thinking and feeling about God.
But outside of church settings, it seems awkward or inappropriate to talk about God.
Some people bring up God in very unhelpful (pushy, judgmental) ways, but there are helpful ways to talk about God.
I think our spiritual health needs this, it’s good for us to talk about God.
Even sharing negative thoughts about God is good, its purging and healing.
The Spirit of God is stirring in every person, nudging us towards God and to His embrace.
As we share honestly about God, like the Psalms do, the Spirit makes us stronger on the inside.
If I suppress healthy God-talk, I am suppressing (resisting) the Spirit, and missing out on spiritual growth.
It’s not my business to convince or convert people, just get the God-conversation started, and see what God does with it!
Here are some thoughts on how we can have a healthy God-conversation:

(1) Don’t start with telling people, start with asking people how they experience God.
(2) Don’t feel the need to correct people, affirm what you can and thank them for their honesty.
(3) Don’t defend your views if people attack your beliefs, respond graciously and let God defend Himself.
(4) Don’t judge them in your heart, try to understand why they feel how they feel.
(5) Don’t critique other religions or viewpoints, share your own thoughts positively.
(6) Don’t ignore the little positive hints of faith that others express, they are seeds of spiritual growth.
(7) Don’t share doctrine about God, share personal experience of God (how you are impacted by the trinity).
(8) Don’t tell people how it should impact them, share with them honestly how it impacts you.
(9) Don’t hide your struggles, be honest and real, this will help them be honest and real too.

Any other ideas?

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