what could have been

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 22" href="http://biblegateway.com/bible?version=51&passage=Genesis+2">Genesis 2
This passage introduces a number of important ideas, including Sabbath rest, the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the role of mankind in creation, the gift of a matching partner (marriage), and the beauty of their relationship (no shame). Not only do these ideas remind us of what could have been, they also expose how far we have fallen: we have no rest, no life, the experience of good and evil, abuse of creation and broken and shameful relationships.

Just as the book of Revelation points us forward to what will be, this book reminds us of our beginnings, of what could have (and should have) been.

The gift of rest. I am reminded of the quote from St. Augustine, “our hearts find no rest until they rest in Thee”. The craziness, stress and busyness of so many of our lives is testimony to the fact of how messed up we’ve become.

The gift of creation. What was intended to be a beautiful garden has been raped, abused and neglected into a environmental disaster. This makes me think of Joni Mitchell’s song, “They paved paradise And put up a parking lot”.

The gift of marriage. Over 50% of marriages end in break up. Healthy sexuality has been replaced by every kind of sexual perversion, and still people are not satisfied. Our sexual ‘freedom’ is feeding the very hormones that result in horrific sexual abuse, and create sex addicts (slaves). Shame!

Do I believe that Jesus is the way to a better world? Do I believe Jesus restores us to peace with God, with others and with ourselves? Do I believe that Jesus restores honour and integrity to marriage and sexuality? Do I believe Jesus restores us to proper garden-tenders? Am I living like it?

Lord, thank You for this glimpse of what could (should) have been, and for the promise through Jesus of a better world – rest, joy, no shame!


  1. Heavenly Father, You are the Creator, the Ultimate Giver of life! You modeled for us that rest must be built into our lives yet how far we have fallen – we have made even Sundays a day of programs, running around, filled with so much activity. Where is the quiet time? You took off an entire day and we find it impossible to find a few quiet moments? Satan must be very pleased. As I read verse 7 I felt the conviction LORD. Every day You desire to breathe life into me – if I understood this as You intend I should oh how I would breathe so much deeper. LORD, breathe Your life giving Spirit into me, fill my heart. That it may be You that courses through my veins, filling my blood with Spirit life. LORD, thank You for the reminder in verse 8 that You always prepare first and then place us there. Never do we enter a place, a situation or circumstance that You haven’t prepared for us. Even in that garden where You placed Adam, You knew evil was already present – the tree of good and evil. It was Adam’s choice. Open my eyes LORD so that I might make right choices, choices that say, “Yes LORD, I desire to be obedient to You, making the choice that is in accordance to Your will and Your desire for me.” LORD, like Adam and Eve, we always have choices. Adam and Eve had so much in that garden yet their human, sinful nature taunted them with discontent, lusting for more… How that is so like society today- always striving, looking for more yet we have so much. Wrong choices….. How often do I even think about all the outcomes of a choice I am about to make, choosing on impulse, allowing my personal desires to sway my decision rather than what You desire for me? How am I tending to Your garden LORD? What choices am I making? LORD, help me to discipline myself to take the rest necessary to breathe deep. LORD, thank You for forgiving me of so many wrong choices. Thank You LORD for covering my shame. Thank You for this new day. LORD, be glorified! I choose You LORD!

  2. Working seven days makes one weak. Thank You Lord for the day of rest from our labour so that we do take the time to be refreshed and renewed in You. Every day is the Lord’s day, given for service to You. But during the week, or even on the Sonday, do I put You first? Not my will, but Yours be done each day Lord.

    As we ended the book of Revelation with the tree of Life, so too is the tree of Life found in Genesis. That Life is found in You Lord. That Life needs to be part of my daily work. Adam worked in the garden, I too need to work in Your garden today doing what You have called me to do.

    Thank You Lord for my helper suitable for me that together we can serve You where You planted us. Help us to bloom where we are planted. Help all your people blossom in Your garden and the fragrance of the flowers be pleasing in Your sight.

    And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
    And He tells me I am His own;
    And the joy we share as we tarry there,
    None other has ever known.

    He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
    Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
    And the melody that He gave to me
    Within my heart is ringing.


    I’d stay in the garden with Him
    Though the night around me be falling,
    But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
    His voice to me is calling.

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