I am an apostle (and so are you)!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 3:13-19
These twelve disciples are not the first and only apostles, but the first of many apostles.
Yes, they have a position of priority because they are first, and they walked with Jesus.
They talked with Jesus, they worked with Jesus, they suffered with Jesus, they died with Jesus (eventually).
But Jesus made it clear that they were to multiply themselves (Matthew 28:18-20), and the first apostles understood their role to pass it on (2 Timothy 2:2), to keep the mission going.
The word Greek “apostle” means sent one, and corresponds to the Latin “missionary”.
We are all missionaries, called to be with Jesus, to walk with Jesus, to work with Jesus, to suffer with Jesus, even to die with Jesus.
And we are all entrusted with spiritual authority; when we speak and serve, God’s power does things greater than we could ever do ourselves.
So look at yourself, and see yourself (with all you issues and weaknesses) as one more name for this list.
Yes Peter and James and John and Judas and Thomas (and the other lesser known ones) had all their issues and weaknesses, but God empowered them to do great things for Him.
Join in the mission, speak and serve as Jesus apostle/missionary, and anticipate the great things God will do through you.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You do not set up a spiritual hierarchy, there is no distinction between clergy and laity. We are all called, empowered and sent as Your Apostles. Use me with Your power, Your authority!

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