Am I making God my first priority?

SCRIPTURE: Mark 1:35-39
How do you prioritize your time?
How important is prayer in your scheduling?
How do you respond to pressure from others?
Do you let them determine what you do, when and how?
Jesus makes time with God His first priority, and doing God’s will His second priority.
His time with God is what clarifies for Him what His purpose and priority needs to be.
People will always have expectations of us.
But success is not doing what people want, nor even what we want, but what God wants.
And we cannot know what that is unless we spend time with God figuring it out.
Will you make this your priority… will I?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, my priorities are out of alignment, I am becoming a slave to the expectations of others rather than a servant to You and Yours. Help me to put first things first!

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Early in the morning, Jesus went out to pray in a ‘alone’ place. When the ‘others’ found Him, He told them that hHe must continue His work – preaching and teaching and doing miracles – His show and tell of the Kingdom.

    Early in the morning I need to spend time with God otherwise I get caught up on my agenda and spend no time with Him. I am a Kingdom worker, but in order to get direction and strength for the task at hand I need to talk with my ‘Director.’ In order to walk in His SonShine I need to spend time in His presence so that I can shine for Him and let His light shine through me. I must radiate the love of Christ. Remember Moses?

    Thank You Lord for this new day. Help me on my way proclaiming Your presence in all I do and say. LightShine. GodStrong.

    Be a faithful witness for the Lord,
    Shine for Jesus where you are;
    You cannot an idle hour afford,
    Just shine for Jesus where you are.
    Shine for Jesus where you are,
    Shine for Jesus where you are;
    Someone lost in sin you may guide to glory,
    Shine for Jesus where you are.

    Grace for ev’ry deed He will provide,
    Shine for Jesus where you are;
    There are those in need on ev’ry side,
    Just shine for Jesus where you are.

    In your home today let kindness glow,
    Shine for Jesus where you are;
    Tell someone of Christ and heal sin’s woe,
    Just shine for Jesus where you are.

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