Spread the news!

July 10, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Mark 1:21-28
Why do I follow Jesus?
Because news of Him has spread through history to me, and I am drawn to Him (v.28).
He has spoken with an authority in my life that I cannot deny.
He has addressed evil in my life that leaves me convinced.
I need Jesus, we need Jesus, the world needs Jesus!
The power of evil continues to run rampant in the world today, ruining peoples lives.
We need someone with this kind of authority to help us, our best leaders and religious gurus and scientists and psychologists cannot deal with this kind of evil, because at root it is spiritual.
We all need Jesus to speak with authority in our lives, to silence the demons and to release the captives.
Listen to the teaching of Jesus, look at His life, and be amazed, He is like no other.
Today’s reading is reminding me again why I believe, why I follow, why I serve Jesus… and why I continue to spread the news about Him into the world and into the future!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord Jesus, You have an authority and power in my life that is undeniable. Remind me again of how You have helped me, inspiring me to spread the news.


  1. Observations:
    Jesus began to teach and the people were amazed – at His teaching and with the authority He taught. He was a breathe of fresh air. The people recognized this. Even the evil spirit recognized His authority. The people were amazed. And the Good News spread over the whole region.

    The enemy recognizes the Christ. Saved by Jesus the man is. Saved by grace we the people are. The battle still rages – between the kingdoms but He did and has overcome! What a Saviour! The evil spirits obeyed Him. The people, I, also need to obey that voice and spread that Good News. He lives!

    Lord, help me daily to hear Your voice calling loud and clear, ‘Come and follow Me.’

    Now I come, my Lord and Savior,
    Humbly kneeling at Thy feet,
    Sharing in Thy richest favor,
    Full salvation pure and sweet.

    Lord, I will be Thine forever,
    Unto Thee my all I give;
    Keep my soul, that I may never
    Shame Thy cause and sinful live.

    Leave me not alone, my Father,
    Do preserve my soul each day;
    Let not Satan ever harm me,
    Keep me to the end, I pray.

    God of love, so great, eternal,
    Earth has long Thy wonders told;
    We shall on that morning vernal,
    Thy great majesty behold.

  2. Jesus was still up in the Galilee area. He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach. I am not sure if this was in a formal way. How did he get the opportunity to teach? Did they just let anyone do this? Perhaps he was teaching more on a small group discussion type of thing. In any case, the people were amazed. And while he was there a man causing a disruption came by. It is interesting to note that the man with the evil spirit spoke truth. “Have you come to destroy us?” and “I know who you are – the Holy one of God”. In both statements he was correct. Jesus was able to set the man free, as he commanded the evil spirit to come out of him.

    This is a case of Jesus seeing a man who needed to be set free, and doing what he could to help. This seemed to be a pretty spontaneous meeting. The man did not even really ask for this. Jesus took compassion, and helped him. I pray that I can help people, even if they are not asking. This is the model that Jesus gave us. I pray that through the power of Jesus, that others will be blessed.

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