‘In the same way’ as Jesus

June 19, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 27:38-44
Matthew sees the religious leaders as no better than the robbers; he intentionally frames their actions between references to the robbers (27:38,44).
‘In the same way…’ they mock and taunt Jesus.
They shame and belittle His faith in God, little realizing that they are revealing the bankruptcy of their own faith.
Does my faith in God and Jesus change the way I treat others?
Do I judge people accused of crimes before they are proven guilty, do I look down on those who are proven guilty, do I shame or belittle people who believe our live differently than me, do I join in criticizing others, am I unfair in my treatment of visible minorities or people with different lifestyle from me… ‘in the same way’.
Jesus is crucified ‘in the same way’ as societies ‘low’ life; He doesn’t join them in their crimes but identifies with them in their shame and guilt.
His ‘in the same way’ is loving and redemptive, while the religious leaders ‘in the same way’ is hateful and abusive.
I sense the Lord challenging to consider how I think or speak about others, especially those that are different from me… and yet are not.
How do I think or speak about native Americans, about south Asians, about homosexuals, about single parents, about Mormons, about Muslims, about Jews, about politicians, about lawyers, about environmentalists, about rednecks, about Americans, about Republicans, about… the list goes on.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You chose to identify with us in our guilt and shame, not to judge us… and certainly not to mock is. Help me to do the same.

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    The crucifixion. The insults by the passerby’s, the religious leaders and the thieves. Even at a time like this, the peoples actions showed little respect for the Man on the cross. The jeers and the taunts, the insults and the mockings all showed ‘mob’ mentality.

    Carried away by the moment – what others are doing? Following the crowd? Following leaders blindly? What is on the inside does come out. The religious leaders saw the Christ as competition and a loss of followers, popularity. Now they would have their place. And these people who should have know the Word were far from the Word. All this happened that that Word would be fulfilled. God’s people can now have real LIFE.
    What directs my footsteps? His Word needs to be my daily diet for direction so I can walk in His SonShine each day. That Light must be my Guide as I live for Jesus today. I must follow the Son.

    Help help; guide me each day Lord along the Way on my ‘pilgrim’s progress.’

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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