a call to worship

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 22" href="http://biblegateway.com/bible?version=51&passage=Genesis+1">Genesis 1
Imagine being a witness to the creation. The YouTube video below gives you a limited sense of what Genesis 1 describes. We need to remember that there is no way our puny minds could grasp HOW God created the world. Moses may have received this as a vision or a dream, and I can imagine him (like John in the book of Revelation) being in the spirit (out of body) observing this poetic vision of God creating the world.

At one time I was concerned about how people interpreted this chapter. Now I realize that it is such a mystery, bigger than either Genesis 1 or our scientific minds can understand. Now I approach the creation event as a true and real faith experience, a glimpse of something SO HUGE and AWESOME that the only proper response is worship.

I do not read this chapter as a complete account of what happened, nor as a scientific account of what happened. It’s the God-chosen account of what happened, how He decided to picture this huge event in human language and pictures. Don’t try to dissect it or spell out specific scientific principles with it… just allow it to lead you to worship.

What stands out for me is the place that humanity is given in this. The triune God (“Let us make human being, in our image, to be like us… So God created human beings in his own image” Genesis 1:26-27) makes us as His image-bearers (mini-God’s in bodies) to rule and manage God’s creation. Caretakers of God’s garden – oh, what a mess we have made!

God is the Creator, the creation was made with order and purpose, and we were created with an important task, free agents exercising God-given authority over His garden. From God’s point of view, it was very good!

This is a call to worship!

Lord, I do not understand HOW You created things, only that You did. And it is amazing, wonderful, awesome. Give me a heart that worships You, triune God, and that faithfully serves You as Your image-bearer on earth.

One Comment

  1. LORD, I stand in awe! My response is WOW! It matters not how You did it but that You did it and did it for me / us! Let everything that has breath praise You LORD! As the heavens declare Your glory so too may I / we. You LORD take my breath away! My heart quickens with the very thought that You thought of me / us when You spoke life into this world. To You be all the glory, all the honour, all the praise. LORD, open our eyes to see You in all of creation, to not take this for granted but that we may have a WOW! awaking every time we look around us. Open our hearts to a WOW! realization of the love that You have for us. Open our minds to a WOW! understanding of what that means for us and our daily lives yesterday, today and tommorrow. LORD, help me / us to worship You with WOW! amazement so that I / we may live as You created me / us to live. In my / our life LORD, be glorified!

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