Seeking the God-life!

June 9, 2013
This Psalm lays out the contrast between a God-like person, and a God-less person.
Even though for a time selfish or greedy or cruel people may succeed, their doom is only a matter of time.
Don’t envy them, hang on to God, make it your priority to do what is right.
Trust that the God-life is the good-life, the only life worth living, the only life that will last.
The thing is, I am not sure I recognize myself in either extreme: neither devoted to selfish, greedy living nor to selfless, generous living.
I find myself in the middle, generally moving in the right direction but not always.
The Lord is not condemning me here, nor is He commending me… He is gently compelling to aim for better.
That is the goal of the Psalm, to remind us of the life that is worth living and to compel us to seek it.
In love the idea of v.4, make it your desire to love and obey God, and He will give you that very desire.
If I want the God-life, He will give me the God-life.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can’t say that I am a good person or a bad person. But I do know which one I want to be. Help me to live the kind of life that You consider successful!

One Comment

  1. Observations:
    Don’t fret.
    Trust God.
    Do Good.
    Commit your way to the Lord.
    Trust Him.
    Be still.
    Wait patiently.
    Again the beatitude – the meek shall inherit the earth. The wicked again plot in vain and perish but the steps of the righteous may stumble, but will not fail. HeartStrong they are. They are in His Stronghold, in His Refuge. Secure.

    This psalm gives simple instructions – do this and live. Keep His Way for He is the Way and the Truth and the Life. Want to Live?
    Don’t fret.
    Trust God.
    Do Good.
    Commit your way to the Lord.
    Trust Him.
    Be still.
    Wait patiently.
    Walk in His SonShine each day and I will keep His Way.
    If you want to be happy – walk with the risen Saviour.

    Oh Master let me walk with You always for You are the wind beneath my wings.

    O Master, let me walk with Thee,
    In lowly paths of service free;
    Tell me Thy secret; help me bear
    The strain of toil, the fret of care.

    Help me the slow of heart to move
    By some clear, winning word of love;
    Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
    And guide them in the homeward way.

    O Master, let me walk with Thee,
    Before the taunting Pharisee;
    Help me to bear the sting of spite,
    The hate of men who hide Thy light.

    The sore distrust of souls sincere
    Who cannot read Thy judgments clear,
    The dullness of the multitude,
    Who dimly guess that Thou art good.

    Teach me Thy patience; still with Thee
    In closer, dearer, company,
    In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
    In trust that triumphs over wrong.

    In hope that sends a shining ray
    Far down the future’s broadening way,
    In peace that only Thou canst give,
    With Thee, O Master, let me live

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