Hope when I fail

June 6, 2013
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 26:69-75
Boastful Peter who claimed he would never deny Jesus does so, with a curse.
‘May God curse me and my family if I am lying, I do not know the man!’
Peter remembers Jesus’ words, and though they cause him pain, they also spark hope: Jesus knew!
Jesus knows my weakness, He does not reject me even though He knows I will reject Him.
Jesus’ words are not intended to bring shame – conviction yes, but not shame, and not despair.
He had told Peter that He would pray for him through this trial, and that there would be a tomorrow (see Luke 22:31-32).
Notice how Jesus responds to Judas, “Friend, do what you came to do.” (Matthew 26:50)
Jesus knew, Jesus still cared; sadly Judas did not remember Jesus words’ with hope, but with despair.
I sense the Lord reminding me that even though I fail Him, He still loves me and is with me and one day can restore me.
Will I respond with tears of hope (like Peter) or despair (like Judas)?
I need to remember Jesus’ words, like Peter, with tears and hope.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You know me. You hear my boasting, and You know my stumbling. Yet I am still Your friend. May my lapses bring me conviction with hope, confident that You will restore me again.

One Comment

  1. Observation:
    Peter did follow Jesus – at a distance. He was not among friends. Alone. Scared. Isolated. And when questioned or associated as a friend of Jesus, courage, faith left him and doubt and fear replaced it. He denied His Master. The impulsive Peter fell. Over confident, self reliant led him to this moment of despair.

    In all circumstances, I need to be standing on the promises of God. In him only am I strong but in myself, I am weak. I need to walk with Him at all times. He is my Rock and Tower and my Security. I can be strong in Him alone. I need to be in His presence always and in the presence of His people to be encouraged to stand strong. A man is know by the company he keeps. It is by His grace I am who I am, a servant of the King.

    In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in Thee;
    My hand is in Thy hand, Thou carest for me;
    My soul with Thy counsel through life Thou wilt guide,
    And afterward make me in glory abide.


    My God, I will extol Thee
    And ever bless Thy Name;
    Each day will I give thanks to Thee
    And all Thy praise proclaim.

    In glory Thou only my portion shall be,
    On earth for none other I long for but Thee;
    My flesh and heart falter, but God is my stay,
    The strength of my spirit, my portion for aye.


    All they that forsake Thee must perish and die,
    But near to my Savior most blessèd am I;
    I make Thee my refuge, my Lord and my God;
    Thy grace and Thy glory I publish abroad.

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